What have you people got for christmas?

Before the actual day of joy, I spent the remainder of my haul on a killer Katatonia neonish display sign that I have affixed to my guitar rig

Other than that, my spoils of war were:
$275 USD, 100 of which is gonna buy me a Weeping Demon wah pedal...
various swag from the gang, including a new black sabbath hat.
clothing from the parents [mandatory in the USA]
but the best present I was given this year was an offer from a Canadian record label to sign Gordugrynd, the pornogrindgore band that I do guitars and bass for :)

So yea, killer haul!
I can stand parts of Nightwing, Panzy Division is like one 28 minute song blasting all the way through...kinda like La Grande Danse Macabre...JESUS CHRIST!!! SODOMIZED!!!!!

That's about it.

For black metal I'll take Carpathian Forest, Taake, Moonblood, Dawn(swe), Nokturnal Mortum and Kristallnacht among countless others.
I got some cookware "haha" at least a decent knife for once......
me and my gal bought each other IPODS......
I got some personal items from my grandmothers house who passed away a couple months ago....
and thats about it I guess....I dont really like christmas so.....it all seems too big a deal for me to want to be a part of.
Dress Shirt

I don't deserve it, nor do I think anyone deserves gifts on this day. Another marketing scheme...feed the rich, manipulate the poor...but everyone wants to keep this majestic holiday of wonders as it makes them feel good...same with religion...as long as someone has something for them to lean back on they forget everything else and they just turn into one of the herd.

And I'm just rambling...But...Happy Holidays to everyone...May we remember this day as the original way it was meant to be...Yule, a pagan tradition, the winter solstice...not the false birth of someone who is not better than you or me. Psycho Christians killed off the Pagans and forced the rest to believe in their bullshit...all the while taking all their holidays and making them their own. It's all a crock!

Thanks and good night :D
I'm not religious, only acknowledging, but I never noticed any harm Paganism has done to anyone (besides the neo-nazi pagans which don't mean anything anyways)...And even though it too has a far fetched story it's still way more interesting in whatever the Christians pulled out their asses.

actually, the scene you were referring to was Hellraiser 2.

her dad was killed in the first part and then in Hellraiser 2, she was in asylum and then he payed her a visit from hell and draw the bloody line on the wall ;)
the dude who didn't have any skin was the that guys brother in the first movie, unless he's in both movies. I dunno the second was pretty bad except for the god of flesh and the best quote of all time. "fool us again kid and your suffering will be legendary, even in hell!!" the rest are just horrible.