what is at the forefront of extreme metal now?

I see no problem with metal integrating more fully into all the genres of Industrial/EDM styles of music. If both those major genres appeal to you, then it's a double win. Whoever dislikes these kind of fusions more likely doesn't like the non-metal genres it's fusing with, more often than the whole principle of keeping metal pure.

Then again, there are those who like two different genres of music but don't like it when they are combined. I can understand this because often the two genres have to make concessions in order to mix more fluidly. Either you have a metal band with techno influences or a techno band with metal influences. There are too few bands that come close to a perfect balance so that they can be called just as much metal and just as much genre X.
My comment wasn't really in response to the THREAD CREATOR so much as this idea that metal is becoming weaker, safer and no one is doing anything interesting anymore, which is no doubt something SOMEONE would bring up eventually.

Well, I for one think there is still plenty of good shit coming out. Besides, "metal" is a fucking blanket term. There are literally hundreds of different metal styles. I think things have gotten to be pretty innovative over the last ten years in metal. I don't think it will get any easier to be innovative now because so much shit has already been done, but I don't think metal in general should be discredited because "X" band(s) isn't around any more or they now suck.

Besides, some people expect too much. Bands nowadays don't make shit for money as it stands.
I don't care what is at the forefront. If I like it, I'll listen to it. It's a simple concept.

People on teh internets take too many fucking variables into account when judging a metal band. I just listen to it & if it's good to me I like it. I don't care how popular a band is or what kind of music they play.

I heard this guy say that Nactysium (Spelling?) literally sucked cock because one of the guys in the band has a Christian girlfriend... I tried to explain to him that a person's religious beliefs do NOT dictate their musicianship skills & he just couldn't understand what I was saying. They were just a "poser" band. I'm not a fan of the band, but that is a fucking idiotic view about music. He never once said anything about the band's actual music. It was just some idiotic personal vendetta thing with him.

Open mindedness FTW :p
It's not just that, Shreadhead. A lot of people like to to cling to the old and familiar stuff rather than embrace something new out of sense of nostalgia(perhaps quite exaggerated at times), which is understandable. New stuff nowadays gets equated with novelty, music that has no long-term appeal. Just look at this board: even in pirsuit of new stuff, people look for music with a touch from the old masters. Now, this is something that guys with no love for the old-school sound may not fully comprehend, but those who grew up on the music of the old bands may view any attempt at replication as cheap and insincere.Even the same band who's trying their best to go back to the old sound in order win back their audience, will probably face defeat. Because even if it sounds the same, it will most likely never feel the same anymore. The music will not evoke the same memories of the experiences you've had while listening to the band in your youth.
I think metalocalypse is great. Lots of in jokes, I just find that if the media is willing to imbrace what was once the extremitys of metal there must be sumthing pushing further.

Why? If you like metal, there is a lot of metal. If you like thrash, there is a lot of thrash, if you like death metal, there is a lot of death metal, etc. If you are unsatisfied with the thousands of bands in the genre, then maybe you don't like metal. If only new and more shoking things are what you are after, then I question your actual enjoyment of metal music.

I don't care what is at the forefront. If I like it, I'll listen to it. It's a simple concept.


move your body
schools out and its time to party!

what's old is new again
that is the future of metal, embrace it.
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It's not just that, Shreadhead. A lot of people like to to cling to the old and familiar stuff rather than embrace something new out of sense of nostalgia(perhaps quite exaggerated at times), which is understandable. New stuff nowadays gets equated with novelty, music that has no long-term appeal. Just look at this board: even in pirsuit of new stuff, people look for music with a touch from the old masters. Now, this is something that guys with no love for the old-school sound may not fully comprehend, but those who grew up on the music of the old bands may view any attempt at replication as cheap and insincere.Even the same band who's trying their best to go back to the old sound in order win back their audience, will probably face defeat. Because even if it sounds the same, it will most likely never feel the same anymore. The music will not evoke the same memories of the experiences you've had while listening to the band in your youth.

You sound like you probably listen to newer stuff longing for it to sound more "classic" in it's approach... I've been listening to metal for like 15 years or some shit, but much more in the last 6-7 years than ever. I still have a lot of catching up to do, but even I can tell that some older bands get stale & some newer bands are on top of their game. It's an ever changing climate. Even black metal bands of recent times sound completely different than the black metal bands of the 90's sounded. I think a lot of the newer good metal bands are much more polished than the bands of yesterday, & I don't think that equates to weakened songwriting all the time.

Whatever I say, I'm not denying the fact that there are a ton of shit bands out there right now.
You sound like you probably listen to newer stuff longing for it to sound more "classic" in it's approach... I've been listening to metal for like 15 years or some shit, but much more in the last 6-7 years than ever. I still have a lot of catching up to do, but even I can tell that some older bands get stale & some newer bands are on top of their game. It's an ever changing climate. Even black metal bands of recent times sound completely different than the black metal bands of the 90's sounded. I think a lot of the newer good metal bands are much more polished than the bands of yesterday, & I don't think that equates to weakened songwriting all the time.

Whatever I say, I'm not denying the fact that there are a ton of shit bands out there right now.

For all the respect to your metal experience but damn...you say things that are obvious as fuck I must say.