What is the most cost efficient way for me to get into ProTools HD?


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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So I want to ditch Reaper and go HD. I need at least 16 inputs. I don't know anything about core cards or the Digidesign HD interfaces. What's my best value and most efficient way of getting set up here? Is it even possible to do this used for under $2500?
You can get Digi's cheapest 96 interface with 16ins. And then add atleast PT HD 2 with that. But i would recommend you to get a HD 2 system with an Aurora 16 with HD card. Just check out ebay, you can find a bundle like that frequently on ebay. But 2500 wont get you that far, sorry

An HD1 setup gives you up to 32 simultaneous tracks of i/o and 96 simultaneous audio tracks (meaning no limit on aux tracks) which seems plenty adequate to me! (unless it's 32 total channels of i/o, meaning 16 each, which would be a bit limiting). And I assume the 192 is cheaper used than the Aurora, and I'm sure will be more than adequate for your AD/DA needs!
Cool thanks guys... What should I budget for this switch realistically? I need to figure out if it's worth it or if I'm better off going M-Powered/LE for now... I REALLY don't want to go to those crippled prosumer level versions of PT but if I'm going to switch from Reaper to anything, it might as well be ProTools as that's just the reality of the industry. Is the lack of ADC in LE actually as bad as I think? Like, my understanding is that any time I use any plugin, it will offset the audio in that track, which just seems to absurd to me. How does anyone use it if that's the case? Do only certain plugins introduce latency or does it have something to do with the latency being within the buffer?

Ugh, I wish they would fix the goddamn editing in Reaper.

BTW Marcus, they added a new feature to Reaper a few version ago that ALMOST fixes the slip editing, where you can drag and it won't play simultaneously or crossfade, hit alt+enter, go to project settings and change Item Mix Behavior to "Items always overlap earlier items". The absolutely RIDICULOUS thing about it though is that it only works for stuff being dragged from the right to the left. Stuff being dragged from the left to the right goes UNDER the audio. It actually means EARLIER items, you'd think it would behave in a way that put the ACTIVE items on top but no :/ Fucking stupid.
i might say fuck it and go with protools mpowerd or cubase for editing, but i just love reapers routing and flexibility :D
Being realistic, don't go with HD until you have your own place. (you are in someone's basement right?)

Also the Digi HD interfaces don't have preamps so you'll need a console or something.

is a console really necessary these days? I dont know much about HD(or consoles for that matter), but i always wondered if they were even really needed anymore. Cant you just use external analog pres and mix everything ITB? I'm also looking to upgrade to HD if i start getting a steady stream to label work in here.
Being realistic, don't go with HD until you have your own place. (you are in someone's basement right?)

Also the Digi HD interfaces don't have preamps so you'll need a console or something.

I'm in my own basement of my house that I personally own, so it is my own place ;)

As far as preamps go, I was going to just use my Octopre and pick up another 8 channel preamp on top of the PT HD switch, probably an Onyx 800R or something.
I recommend at least HD2 and an aurora 16.

So... you need a core card, one accel card and an aurora. You can plan at least 7-10k or so depending what other stuff you get with it. Make sure you get cards that are compatible with your computer or you will be spending another 2500 on an expansion chasis to make them work

The aurora is about the cost of a 192 used but provides 8 MORE analog ins and outs for 16 true analog i/o. And it sounds better in my opinion.

I would stay away from 96 I/O's, the headroom is funky on those things and you will eventually want an upgrade. Do it right the first time.
I recommend at least HD2 and an aurora 16.

So... you need a core card, one accel card and an aurora. You can plan at least 7-10k or so depending what other stuff you get with it. Make sure you get cards that are compatible with your computer or you will be spending another 2500 on an expansion chasis to make them work

The aurora is about the cost of a 192 used but provides 8 MORE analog ins and outs for 16 true analog i/o. And it sounds better in my opinion.

I would stay away from 96 I/O's, the headroom is funky on those things and you will eventually want an upgrade. Do it right the first time.

Cheers Mark, advice is much appreciated!
Ryan, the multichannel drum editing thing is sort of cool but creating that multichannel drum track in the first place is a bitch, as well as not having any control over the relative mix of each piece of the kit within the file until you explode it out onto separate tracks. It is definitely very convenient to do all the edits to one multichannel track, but it's a workaround. All Reaper needs is track based edit groups, then you could edit all the drums at once on their own tracks, just like ProTools. As it stands, you can item group the whole drum performance which works too, but if you are doing multiple punches and takes you have to marquee select and regroup every new take all day long, not very efficient at all.

All Reaper needs for this is a sort of visible "folder master track", so you can make edits to the folder track itself and they are applied to every track within the folder. Everyone has a drum folder anyways right? Set it up so you can right click on the folder track and enable which track is being shown on that track to edit based on, so like you right click your drum bus and set Edit View to Snare, then the folder track only shows your snare so you can do your cuts based on that and have it applied to your whole drum folder. Or set it to kick after that to do your kick edits, while still applying it to the whole folder. With the new nested folder system in 3.0, this would also allow you to make an edit to your Toms group independent of the drum group. You could also use this and hide all your mic'd guitar tracks in the guitar folder, only doing edits to the DIs that are easy to see, knowing that all the mic'd tracks are being edited automatically in unison. Would clean up the arrangement window SO MUCH to be able to only show the easiest to read track for each instrument, while doing all your levels of the hidden tracks in the mixer window.

Ugh I wish they would implement these basic fucking important features instead of fucking with "Project in a Project!" and other non-essential stuff that should not be a priority...
This is the biggest goddamn issue...Literally doubles or triples the time it takes to do every single edit vs. ProTools.

The other big one is track based edit groups. Item grouping is retarded and slow when doing multiple takes.

Hell yeah, that is just plain STUPID. They don't really seem to think anything like us "audio people" at all. Really, REAPER is a great program but it's as if it's coming from a different fucking galaxy or something where people work in the most ridiculous ways.