What is your biggest musical guilty pleasure?

Don Corleone said:
"playing your game, baby"

thats my fave track by him :D

barry white rules. but i would go for "Can't Get Enough of Your Love, Babe". next time there is a metal concert on july 4 do not be surprised if you see some people with barry white t-shirts.
I don't have musical "guilty pleasures." I don't have loyalty to a genre. I just like good music.

David Bowie - Lets Dance
Marilyn Manson - Mechanical Animals
Metallica - Load
Soilwork - Stabbing the Drama
fuck, I am not embarrased or feel guilty actually about any music I listen to... so these are just some underrated albums which are actually one of the best albums of all time imho :D
EVH316 said:

Van Halen
Def Leppard
Motley Crue
etc etc

From my point of view, there's nothing wrong with any of those bands. In fact Van Halen owns. I'm into 80's glam stuff and I love it.
So: Poison, Cinderella, Kiss, Skid Row, Ratt, Slaughter, Twisted Sister, Mötley Crue. They're all fun bands, you don't have to take this so seriously. I don't regret of it.

What else... 90's grunge, M Manson, Nine Inch Nails, The Cure, Bauhaus, Depeche Mode, Slipknot, Korn's old stuff, Deftones...
They aren't my guilty pleasures.. I still like them.

Now flame me whatever you want.
Luz said:
From my point of view, there's nothing wrong with any of those bands. In fact Van Halen owns. I'm into 80's glam stuff and I love it.
So: Poison, Cinderella, Kiss, Skid Row, Ratt, Slaughter, Twisted Sister, Mötley Crue.

Now flame me whatever you want.
:kickass: :headbang:
Necromantic-Hiko said:
and slipknot has the potential. Jordison is a good drummer, despite complaints from others. and the guitarists are actually quite good (mostly, when theyre not playing in slipknot they seem better)...and while corey may be a dumbass...he does have some shining moments. so get rid of all the useless members, and substitute a keyboardist for them, and they could release some quality material if they wanted to...

but theyd realize they might not make as much money off of it.

I used to like Slipknot very much... Mick Thompson's into classical stuff and black metal, he also give guitar lessons when he's not touring. I don't know if he has a band actually. Too bad he can't show what he really does and love (quoting you: They might not make as much money off of it). Joey is a great drummer, but very overrated. I don't know if you listened Disasterpieces when he does a drum solo. It was awful. Yeah, he's fast and all that crap but come on. Let's say that what he does on Slipknot it's fine. Period. (And yeah, he played or did something with Satyricon)
About the useless members, they are there because... maybe they don't have nothing to do at their houses.
Corey a dumbass? Maybe, I have two Slipknot cd's alive and yeah, he tries to offer his best at their audience, he's quite a showman, but he's not a 'competent' vocalist.
Being a dumbass in person? I don't know. I couldn't see them when they came to my country but my friends went and said he's really funny, talkative and a humble person. Joey was a bitch. lol He only approached to people if you had an extreme metal tshirt. Bwahahaha. Asshole.