What is your favourite accent?

Jul 4, 2003
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Lots of people have told me they love the British accent (although there are lots of different ones). Americans especially seem to like it, but what's your favourite? Personally I like hearing French girls speak :worship: , but I like others as well like Italian and Spanish etc.

P.S. If my accent is so great then why am I still a serial non-shagger? Must be my looks. Oh well, I am thankful to the Lord each day for the fact that I don't look like Profanity. :devil:
Americans love my Glasgow accent, but they can never understand me. Fucking idiots. :lol:

I like Stone Cold Steve Austin's (or Phil Anselmo's) accent - that redneck drawl fucking rules.
Oi you *hugs IainDuncanSmith* I haven't seen you in ages, how you doing?

On the subject of accents, I've always liked Dutch accents but I don't think I have a favourite.
My favourite german accent is the one, people from berlin use to speak.

Concerning english accents, it's that rather guttural scottish one (don't know if there are different, i just know this one from several movies)
I like Swedes speaking Swedish with their Swedish accent. I get a kick out of them rolling their 'r's.
Heavy Scottish accents = awesome.

German is great too (both as speech and accent in English)

Irish accent is pretty neat as well.
I love the Dutch accent. Geordie is great too, but then I'm biased because that's where my family are from.