What is your number one favorite metal song EVER..

Nearly impossible to answer.

Favorite band/album is easier, because you can gauge it by how many songs you like/how much you find yourself returning to them. A single song is difficult because I might listen to a single song by a band I don't really care for several hundred times because I enjoy that one song. However, I wouldn't consider it my "favorite metal song."

If forced, I would say Kiuas's "Across the Snows." They're possibly my favorite metal band, and that song still kicks my ass every time I hear it.
Impossible and Im metal limited but honestly my favorite is one I wrote in its entirely myself, not due to arrogance, there certainly are better but its my favorite because it mysteriously came out of me and I can play it... correctly lol
"Nookie" by Limp Bizkit
I prefer Crack Addict. I'm no fan of Limp Bizkit. I just like that one song tbh.
Since I'm back in my yearly Nespithe phase..I'm going to have to say:

Demilich - Inherited Bowel Levitation - Reduced Without Any Effort

And I'm the suck up here. Even though I got nothing to say about Demilich, of course I like the band as well... Its quite obvious that since your a fan of Decapitated or Nile, your favorite metal song is OBVIOUSLY going to be tech death related. Your so predictable...

Well I don't really have a favorite tbh... Anyway wasn't there a thread that said something about list your top 10 metal songs? I know I posted like 10-12 songs I really liked in there.
so hard.

Amorphis - "Brother Moon"
Emperor - "Curse You All Men!"
Iron Maiden - "Wasted Years"
Helloween - "I Want Out"
Be Persecuted - "Revolves Weakly Falls"
Nevermore - "Riverdragon"
Metallica - "Orion"
Ahab - "Old Thunder"
a few
Warlord-Winter Tears
Solstice-Cimmerian Codex
TLWSF-Psionic Illuminations,Baltech's Lament
Absurd-Die Gesandten des Grauens
Grand Belial's Key-It Bribes The Heavens
Black Sabbath-Snowblind
Loudness-Crazy Nights,Esper
FUKK there is way too many :zombie:
And I'm the suck up here. Even though I got nothing to say about Demilich, of course I like the band as well... Its quite obvious that since your a fan of Decapitated or Nile, your favorite metal song is OBVIOUSLY going to be tech death related. Your so predictable...

Demilich is tech death......................

I had to rewrite this post 3 times because I felt that I was being too harsh..I'm just going to kindly ask you to stop posting because you're a goddamn moron.
It changes every day I guess, depents so much on my mood and sub-genre im into. Right now this is my favorite:


Arsis - The Face of My Innocence
Decapitated - Revelation of Existence (The Trip)
Morbid Angel - God of Emptiness