What kinda girls do you go for?

I think you need to look a bit more metal. Looking goth helps, but you can even just don a metal t-shirt and it'll be fine.

Chicks I dig also need to be mature (being condescending isn't mature), open-minded and be able to have intelligent conversations... but that's just me. I'm sure other guys differ.
Maruchan and Top Ramen are not ramen, they're instant garbage.

Real ramen is made with straight noodles and in a soy or rich pork broth, served with slices of meat, half boiled egg and whatever veggies you see fit. SOOOO much better than the shit they sell at Price Chopper.


Thanks for this insightful post.
Note to self:Always expected the unexpected in the most unexpected location.
To answer the question in the title of this thread: The kind of girls that have something between their ears (other than empty space for rent).

And a pulse.
Nice pickup lines, very creative.

And what is ramen? is it like soup or noodles or something, I dont like that stuff.

Hahaha, you should be forcibly sterilized for being such an ignoramus. at least google it and pretend to understand what it is.

BasilisK I had ramen at the best ramen shop in Fukuoka yesterday, and it was SO glorious.