What made you happy today?

I'm done with high school FOREVA!! Hehe I still have college but I really hated high school LOL :D
I was happy because I represented our school and the Philippines in a cooking competition held in Hongkong and I won a Gold Medal!
Hell yeah, that's awesome, man! I wish I could cook - great job!
Thanks for the well wishes regarding the exam, guys! I THINK I nailed it. Nothing that confused me at all in the paper, just maybe a couple of things I forgot to do. Fingers crossed! Got some more work to do tomorrow, then more revision before final 2nd year exam on Tuesday!
Andi - Good to hear your exam seemed to go well and good luck for Tuesday!

Prosopagnosia - Congrats on that Gold Metal!

WMMH: Had a great weekend. Great night at Corp on Saturday, mostly lazy day at friends' house day after then went to another friend's party last night which I mostly enjoyed despite being pretty tired from night before and having to watch my alcohol intake.
I'm happy I got some more revision done today. Trying to finish an essay today, then continue revision. If I manage to complete this essay tonight, then by midday tomorrow I will be finished until October! :D
Great to see Swansea City back in the top flight after 28 years away! First time for a Welsh team in the Premier League too!

I watched the Champions League final at the weekend...and I've got to see I haven't enjoyed watching a team so much for a long time. Congrats Barcelona!
In spite of United losing (to a very deserving team mind)....four day weekend in Zurich with family. Scorching cloudless weather, extraordinary fine-dining, sunbathing, Top Gear style mountain driving, swimming in crystal clear alpine lakes, boating and consuming exquisite wines and beers all in the most breath-taking natural scenery I've ever witnessed. </gushing> Bah wish I never had to come back to work!
Congrats Andi! Dom, sounds like you had a blast - I'm jealous!

WMMH: The new Tyr album rules! Not as good as By the Light of the Northern Star, in my opinion, which is the album that got me into Tyr, but it has some great stuff.
WMMH again: new Rhapsody samples (although they didn't blow me away), new Edguy and Opeth album artwork, and a new Wintersun song I've watched them perform on YouTube several times :D
Congrats Andi! Dom, sounds like you had a blast - I'm jealous!

WMMH: The new Tyr album rules! Not as good as By the Light of the Northern Star, in my opinion, which is the album that got me into Tyr, but it has some great stuff.

Hmm I acually think The Lay of Thrym is better, feels like it's more..."inspired" than last one, might be the wrong word, can't really explain what I mean hehe.
The solo in Evening Star is so so good, really love it.
WMMH: The fact that's revision's going OK, and listening to Dream Theater's The Spirit Carries On a coupla times over. Such an uplifting song!

Hm, I may have to check out The Lay of Thrym. I was a little 'eh..' towards By the Light of the Northern Star, so I'm kinda cautious... worth the buy, anyone?