What made you happy today?

Sounds hella cool, Nikki. Wish I had been there. Somehow, I've managed to miss FC each and every time they've been to Sweden. Well, they're releasing a new album next year, so if they come here again neither hell nor high water shall keep me away!
Just got my tickets for the Knockout Festival here in Germany for next month. Lineup - Voodoo Circle, Grave Digger, Stratovarius, DragonForce, Saxon, Blind Guardian + special guest. Cannot wait!
Congrats to you both!

WMMH: Morbid Angel, Necrophobic, Benighted and Nervecell were all pretty awesome last night at Corp. Benighted were definitely the best of the supporting bands which I expected and thought it was amazing that one Drummer (who was really good) played for both Nervecell and Benighted, back to back!

I felt Morbid Angel's set was a bit short though. 13 songs and only on for about an hour. Didn't play 'Where The Slime Live' or 'God of Emptiness'. Still, they were really good when they were on, the setlist was very good otherwise aside from the 3 songs from the new album and they played my favourite 'Maze of Torment'.
What was the crowd's reaction to the new material? :lol:

EDIT: WMMH - learning about the drinking game Battleshots :lol:
What was the crowd's reaction to the new material? :lol:

EDIT: WMMH - learning about the drinking game Battleshots :lol:

They've always played the same three songs from it since they started touring on it, two of which are two of the least Industrial-sounding ones, so playing it "safe" if you will, and the other is 'I am Morbid' which is absolutely awful! They all went down OK to be honest, but you could tell most people suddenly went more subdued with the Headbanging etc for those three songs in comparison to the rest, me included.

One guy shouted "Radikult!" after they played 'I am Morbid'. I'm not sure if he was joking or not haha! I actually wouldn't mind if they played it, it's so bad it's hilariously entertaining!

A further WMMH: Alestorm touring the UK beginning of next year, including a show at Corporation in February! Already ordered my ticket!
Bought Skyrim on Steam today. I'll play it tonight... hope it was worth the 60 USD o_o
I'm thinking of getting Skyrim, but I'm imagining it'll take up alot of my time so will probably wait for x-mas when I'm having time off:)
Seeing Reckless Love this evening was good, but I'm just delighted that I'm not at the work xmas party.
Oh dear god that was the best 60 dollars I've probably ever spent. This game is the most immersive, unbelievably good RPG I have ever played. There is nothing - NOTHING - like walking in the wilds doing some exploring, then hearing the insane roar of a dragon far in the distance, and watching it fly from a mountain towards you. And then you get to fight it. This is the best game ever. o_o