What made you laugh today ???

Talk about confusion of tongues :D

Yeah we have a joke because of that here, but it's only funny is Spanish

Yeah, still to this day, when I see them as I drive by, I yell in a strained old man's voice (granpa Simpson style) "worship him!.....Joseph Smith!...the true messiah!...I want my 6 wives! "
I had a pair of Jehovah's come to my door about a year or two ago. Wished I woulda caught that on tape. Every time they made an argument for joining their church, I came up with 3 why not to.

Used everything from the imaginary friend argument, to "then why did he allow 9/11 to happen", to historians can't even agree on how to make Elvis' favorite sandwich nevermind what 'God' said 2000 years ago, to my personal favorite quote:

"I have all the help I need. I don't need help finding a religion. I already have one, it's called the Colorado Avalanche and Heavy metal. Why don't you guys go help people who are desperately starving? Dying of aids? Why don't you educate people to become doctors and nurses in the third world? I have money, I have my health and I'm doing perfectly fine and am an upstanding citizen without praying to an invisible dead guy. Good day."
-original version of that was from Glenn (OzNimbus) at Spectre Sound.

That is great man, If I would have been coherent at the time I may have been able to conjure up something that good. Me? I pray to Joe Pesci.. "It's amazing what a simple baseball bat will do" lol R.I.P. George Carlin.
little bit of Belgian humor:

This one even was on US television as "real"
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Hansi Kürsch's new stage gear:

I laughed at my own mistake today. I went out in the heavy rain saying I can't not go swimming because I don't want to get wet. I got all the way to the leisure centre then had to go back because I forgot my money.

I got soaked, but I didn't get to do any swimming.
Haha, and this one is how NOT to start a Black Metal band !!
