What metal music do you most like listening to in your car ?

I usually drive below the speed limit, so anything that's aggressive enough to make me drive fast enough to stop being a nuisance to the cars behind me is ideal. If possible, I would listen to a lot of tech death, but since there are usually other people in the car with me who may not like metal as much, I generally end up listening to symphonic metal with operatic vocals.
Preferably something catchy, which doesn't really narrow it down much and includes most genres of metal to one extent or another. Black metal, grind and technical death I usually wouldn't listen to in that situation. Drone doom, doom death or generally anything more experimental doesn't really work for me either. Sunlight-styled Swedish death is a good example of something extreme I'd prefer to throw on in the car.

Merzbow's 1930 is a nice way to make your passengers' transit more adventurous though.
I don't choose what I listen to in the car any differently than I do any other time. Though I do often opt to listen to the classical station on the radio instead of listening to a CD or tape. Today was the Morgion - Rabid Decay demo.
I have an aux input in the front of my cd player so I just plug ye ole Ipod into the front and put it on shuffle. As for the "blasting" metal I usually dont but if I hear someone in the vicinity blasting rap i'll put in some bass heavy Electric Wizard.
1. Put in Show No Mercy.
2. Pull up beside loser playing rap.
3. Crank 'er.
4. Roll down the window.
6. Drive away.
Hah, I have 2 ten inch subs in my trunk so Behemoth's Slaves Shall Serve usually does the trick for stuff like that lol
Honestly around here you could probably blast some slow ass funeral-doom and scream "Fucking Slayer" and sadly no one would know the difference.
Thats why me must educate these poor souls, like the colonists in North America. Or just give them infected blankets.

They did that to.
Just me in the car = metal
Just me and my mother = classic rock
Just me and my father = sports talk radio
Me and both parents = classical
In the wintertime I like listening to Doom. Draconian, Officium Triste, Novembers Doom. Agalloch and Drudkh are great to listen to in the winter also for some reason. Thats pretty much what I've been listening to lately...other than that any metal will do in the car.
I don't listen to anything different than I would have at the time were I not in the car. If I'm driving in the snow, though, blasting Mother North is mandatory.
For me, driving is the time to listen to loud or epic music, as I hate listening to emotionally intense stuff when I'm just sitting in front of the computer doing nothing. I'd say I listen to a far greater proportion of metal in the car than at home - and of the metal I listen to, I listen to the extreme stuff more often in the car.