Glad to see that you finally got around to reading the news from NINE MONTHS AGO
However, I will admit, that was a nice job pretending that you thought this was some breaking news story from today
Let me clear up something, I admit I hadn't heard of the plan Obama had for having sifting the responsibility of paying for wounded soldiers healthcare to the private sector, until my son-in-law send me a message about it, and to be honest i feel bad about not being up on the news.
When you refer to "the asshole", are you referring to President Obama, the "asshole" who was AGAINST sending soldiers to Iraq in the first place???
You know...IRAQ...the country that had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING TO DO WITH 9-11???
When i referred to asshole yes i was referring to obama, but i also feel that the asshole bush and cheney in the same category, if not for bush and his grudge to finish what his father couldn't do, we would not be in this mess and we wouldn't have all those casulties
The other stories you have brought up I have voiced my opinions on time and time again, maybe not all of them on here but in other forums and in editorial colums in the paper here and I even sent one to the Army times, as far as the story on the body armour goes that is one that is very near and dear to my heart especially with a son-in-law over there now, and my son going in May(orders changed). We went out and priced torso body armour for both of them, and to get the best there is and the one that all the troops want it was $4500 per unit. We bought one and were going to buy another, but now we will just wait till Josh gets back and then give his to Anthony.
So you are saying that the military should get primo healthcare and we should get dogshit? This is pretty much the same argument Jon Stewart made with that dumbass Bill Kristol. You are admitting that a socialized healthcare system (the one the military has) = better than a private one.
I love our troops and have a profound respect for what they do, but I'm also a human being. I don't want you getting better healthcare than just because you are fighting. Why should my cancer-stricken family member get denied care due to pre-existing bullshit conditon clauses just because we're not surrendering our lives to Uncle Sam? Fuck that noise. If that's how it's going to be, I'm moving to Sweden.
Never said that. All I said that it was a slap in the face to the military for them to have to carry a private insurance that may not cover them for pre-exsisting conditons i.e. wounds substained in battle, and yes maybe i am saying that the military healthcare system is better, i know in some aspects it is, and it some aspects it sucks big time. I am not saying that the wounded military should be given exemptions for pre-exsisting conditions, i said they would probably be refused for pre-exsisting conditions, and the pre-exsisting conditions clause in any health care insurance sucks big time not just for the military but for anyone, and that should be addressed in any health care reform bill.
As with everything Obama does, the right loses their mind. The fact of the matter is, the insurance companies are making money hand over fist because they are free and clear of actually paying for the medical expenses of anyone who actually needs medical attention... the elderly, the sick and the wounded. Obama was looking for a way to shift some of this financial burden back into the private sector. He wasn't trying to hurt the American soldier, because he's a secret Muslim, born in Kenya, here to destroy the American way of life. He floated an idea, the American people spoke, and democracy worked as it should. I know this is a strange concept for those on the Right, who were use the "the Decider's" word being final.
Ironically, the same people complaining about this move (pundits, not UM posters) are the same people telling us the government is incapable of providing healthcare. Funny... isn't it? Apparently our government is only capable of providing healthcare to those who actually need it it; the wounded and the elderly.
As usual Gregg your insight into this is uplifting and spot on thanks.
So to sum up, I quoted a 9 month old story, that i should have been on top of from the beginning, sorry. I called obama and Asshole, when it should have been extended to the two bigger assholes that got us in this mess bush and his side kick cheney. I lost all respect for both of these men after we invaded IRAQ, and I am glad they are gone
Yes I want Healthcare reform, but not at the expense of a wounded soldier or a family who has a family member with serious pre-exsisting medical condition. Will there ever be a healthcare plan that is fair and equitable to everyone, i hope so but as long as we have political parties there will always be a chance that we won't get what is needed.
To sum things up further Yes I am a vetern and I have lived thru The Vietnam war, Desert Storm and all those skrimishes in between, i was wounded in Grenada, i have lived since 1970 with the Military Healthcare system, I like it, and have had no problems to speak of, except maybe long waits, and in one case a misdiagnosis(broken kneecap, and told it was bruised). All my children were born in a military hospital and reseived excellent care. Now as a veteran i do pay for this healthcare, we are under what is called Tricare, yes it is cheap, and yes it does cover almost all the medical bills, but not all so i have to have a supplement to pick up the rest.
I am proud to be a veteran, and would not have done it different, and I am proud of all the service members serving now and in the past and future.