Dead Winter
We have the best health care system in the world. Bar none. Hands down. People from other countries are brought here or choose to come here. It's extremely rare for it to happen the other way around.
An emphatic NO would be the appropriate response to this. You just pulled that out of your ass and speak as though it were fact just because you want to believe it. Just because Fox News and George Bush said so doesn't mean it's true. In fact, they're lying through their teeth. The United States ranks 37th out of 191 countries. Friggin' COLOMBIA, a nearly third-world nation, ranks 22nd, with France at number 1 and Italy at number 2. The US does NOT have the greatest health care system in the world and this is a's not even close. Are you kidding? Who are these people coming from all over the world to partake in the crappy American health care system? The US has the best medical SERVICES in the world, but the US health care system is piss poor and shameful. The people who come from other places to get health care in the US are either filthy rich or they're using THEIR OWN COUNTRY'S health care system to pay for it. The only reason you don't see it the other way around is because most Americans still think that they have great health care.
The only people who make this claim are people who have never lived anywhere else but the US and just hear this crap on Fox News or "somebody told me". It's not just bullshit...IT'S A LIE. If the health care system is so great in the US, then why is it broken? Why is there health care reform going on? In principle, the US health care system would be the greatest if insurance companies weren't such greedy scumbags, but due to this health care McCarthy-ism going on these days that's never going to change unless the American people will for once put quality of life ahead of profit. Fat chance of that happening though.
In any European country, if you've got cancer and you don't have a way to pay for treatment, they're not going to just let you die (Chuck Schuldiner anyone?). My father-in-law had to have his entire stomach replaced due to cancer and you know how much he paid? About 50 euros.
It can't work this way in the US because it's not cost-effective but there has to be some sort of in-between.
And to be honest, the last time I was in an American hospital I wasn't impressed AT ALL. Nationalism has blinded Americans to think that they have the best of everything when it's just not true and the only people who can't see that are the Americans themselves. I'd never, EVER go back to an American health care system by choice. EVER.
Americans have this notion that socialized medicine is the only outlet in Europe, which goes to show you how little they know about the world around them. You can either use the state-run health care program, which has some flaws but overall works fine, or you can go the private route. You can get insurance and see a private doctor JUST LIKE IN THE US. There is a choice everywhere else except for the US.
I won't even get into the military doctors. I'd rather have some medicine man rub some herbs on my chest when I've got a lung infection than ever go to military doctors again. A friend of mine almost died because the flight doc completely missed the gigantic hole in his lung that was leaking blood and fluid. So he sent him to the local civilian doctor here. The doc took one look at his x-ray and said, "Your doctor didn't see this?!?!?!?" They rushed him into surgery that day. How do I know this? Because I was with him every step of the way and saw it first-hand.
If any Americans are considering joining the military just for the benefits, you may want to reconsider. Sure it's free but that doesn't help if you die first. It happens all the time.