what Obama has in store for service members wounded in battle

This article doesn't address the exorbitant amount of money that doctors and institutions have to spend on malpractice insurance. It only cites the amount of money spent on actual payouts.

Indirectly it does (malpractice premiums derive from payouts and profit margins -- insurance companies are really good at that math), and also:

... limits on malpractice awards "would reduce total national health care spending by about 0.5 percent (about $11 billion in 2009)." That figure includes a 0.2 percent reduction just from lower premiums for malpractice insurance paid by medical professionals." ...
For everyone that thinks this healthcare reform bill is good are you aware of this little tidbit that was in both bills (Senate and House)?

Required coverage (the "individual mandate"). American citizens and legal residents would be required to have health insurance, or pay a fine. For an individual, the fine would be $750 per year or 2 percent of household income, whichever is greater; for a family, the maximum fine would be $2,250 per year or 2 percent of household income. The fines would go into effect gradually, starting in 2014. The House bill is similar, with exemptions for certain low-income people.
yea, j-man. i dont like that and dont think it will stick.

i dont expect that piece to stick at all. whether it be by re-visitation (as all major legislation is re-visited after it is passed just to get something started) or through constitutional challenge.
It's not going to be cheap, unfortunately. On top of the tax that will be levied, we'll also have to pay for the care. The Gov't plan is set up to operate (in both bills) the same as any current health plan. Which means we'll be paying premiums as well as the regular co-pays. All-in-all, it'll be much of the same. That said, the taxes will come first, the plan will not be enacted till several years after - like every bill.

Oh yeah, the cheap catastrophic plans, with the high deductibles, are not 'approved' plans. Those are the cheapest plans, so expect plans that cost $200+/mth.
The SR-71 fleet has been mothballed except for 3 of them used for testing. The MIG-25 thought stated to be the fastest Jet fighter could only maintain the speed for a minute or two and then the engines overheated, and quit plus fully armed it could only go 1600 mph. Not good for a fighter, the F-15has had test in which a striped down version flew 2,002 miles an hour. But the fastest today is one clouded in so much secrecy no one will even say it exsists, but there have been reprots but ATC in various cities and a strange satellite photo that shows somwthing moving across the US from West to east and on across the Atlantic ocean, and seems to be traveling in excess of 5,200mph what it is no one will say, but a US ARMY Air defense unit using the latest in phased array radar tracked it for 6 minutes until it was out of range(range of radar, in excess of 2500 miles) and were told, by higher ups,"you didn't see anything".

Hmmm...sounds like the Aurora project. Isn't that the aircraft that "pond skips" across the atmosphere?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yeah, let's listen to a guy who isn't a journalist, has ADD, got into Yale only with the help of a certain Senator Liebermann only to drop out after completing a single course, whines and cries on air, and is an obnoxious conspiracy theorist who claims that the Rockefeller Building is a commie plot.

Yeah. What a role model.

Yeah, except he isn't a conspiracy theorist, and everything he says he backs up, usually with video of the people themselves saying it. I'd much rather watch Glenn Beck than any one on MSNBC, CNN or other news channels. Also, he continously says that he isn't a journalist.
We're just gonna have to agree to disagree.

It's even worse that he says he isn't a journalist because that means that millions of Americans are hanging on his every word and believing him. Baaaaa...baaaaa... Honestly, it's not even his fault at that point if they're too stupid to know the difference, but he IS exacerbating the problem.

This makes me lol so hard:
The SR-71 fleet has been mothballed except for 3 of them used for testing. The MIG-25 thought stated to be the fastest Jet fighter could only maintain the speed for a minute or two and then the engines overheated, and quit plus fully armed it could only go 1600 mph. Not good for a fighter, the F-15has had test in which a striped down version flew 2,002 miles an hour. But the fastest today is one clouded in so much secrecy no one will even say it exsists, but there have been reprots but ATC in various cities and a strange satellite photo that shows somwthing moving across the US from West to east and on across the Atlantic ocean, and seems to be traveling in excess of 5,200mph what it is no one will say, but a US ARMY Air defense unit using the latest in phased array radar tracked it for 6 minutes until it was out of range(range of radar, in excess of 2500 miles) and were told, by higher ups,"you didn't see anything".

John, hope you don't get a visit from anyone in black cars with government plates anytime soon. Just a visit from Santa tonight....who, judging from the weather here, will definitely be flying IFR. :)

This article doesn't address the exorbitant amount of money that doctors and institutions have to spend on malpractice insurance. It only cites the amount of money spent on actual payouts. The malpractice insurance premiums are where tort reform really comes into play as far as reducing health care costs. The cost of these premiums are passed on to the patient.

Precisely. I was floored when a friend's dad told me how much he paid in insurance premiums per year...it was more than I earned in a year, and about 30-40% of his total income as a gynecologist.

For everyone that thinks this healthcare reform bill is good are you aware of this little tidbit that was in both bills (Senate and House)?

Required coverage (the "individual mandate"). American citizens and legal residents would be required to have health insurance, or pay a fine. For an individual, the fine would be $750 per year or 2 percent of household income, whichever is greater; for a family, the maximum fine would be $2,250 per year or 2 percent of household income. The fines would go into effect gradually, starting in 2014. The House bill is similar, with exemptions for certain low-income people.

I'm especially unhappy that my agency will have to collect that penalty, and give poor people grief if they can't pay it.

i dont expect that piece to stick at all. whether it be by re-visitation (as all major legislation is re-visited after it is passed just to get something started) or through constitutional challenge.

Ahhh, but remember, there are parts of this bill that are written so they CANNOT be repealed. Hence, revisiting the legislation will not be possible. (And hence, the concerns about unConstitutionality.)

This is about control, not about quality of healthcare. I'm frankly dubious as to whether it will even improve ACCESS to care.

But Obama will have his "big win" and next year we can look forward to the battles over Cap&Trade and the Card Check bill. :rolleyes:
Ahhh, but remember, there are parts of this bill that are written so they CANNOT be repealed. Hence, revisiting the legislation will not be possible. (And hence, the concerns about unConstitutionality.)

i don't know about that...but i can tell you in regard to the individual mandate, nothing can be written beforehand to subvert the consitution.

if that part remains in the bill, and it is challenged (which is will be), it will be removed. regardless of whether they have written in that such a piece cannot be stricken, if a constitutional challenge is won in opposition to it, it will absolutely be removed.

and Dead-Winter...i'm in agreement. beck is not somebody people should be getting news from or making decision based off of. hell, people like that should not be allowed to be on television. regardless of politics, he is just dangerous, ignorant, and if he really believes all of what he says...stupid.
and Dead-Winter...i'm in agreement. beck is not somebody people should be getting news from or making decision based off of. hell, people like that should not be allowed to be on television. regardless of politics, he is just dangerous, ignorant, and if he really believes all of what he says...stupid.

Same could be said about Jon Stewart (a comedian for God sake, but people think he's legit :lol:), Keith Olbermann (what a moron!), Chris (tingle up my leg) Wallace :lol:, the list goes on & on...:rolleyes:
Same could be said about Jon Stewart (a comedian for God sake, but people think he's legit :lol:), Keith Olbermann (what a moron!), Chris (tingle up my leg) Wallace :lol:, the list goes on & on...:rolleyes:

yea well, jon stewart labels his stuff as comedy and snake oil. thats the big difference.

olbermann is not one of the people on msnbc i have a problem with because he doesn't actually lie.

the major people that suck on msnbc are ed shultz and david shuster. olbermann is just so overtop...but i gotta give credit to him where its due, and that is he backs stuff up.

at least...i dont find him lying or completely contradicting himself. i cant say the same for beck. heheh...or oreilly for that matter....
Same could be said about Jon Stewart (a comedian for God sake, but people think he's legit :lol:), Keith Olbermann (what a moron!), Chris (tingle up my leg) Wallace :lol:, the list goes on & on...:rolleyes:

The important thing to remember is that Stewart, Colbert, Olbermann, Wallace, Beck, Hannity et al. are NOT journalists...and most of them would be glad to tell you so. They are commentators and pundits...basically, they're merely entertainers at best.

It is truly frightening how many people in the country -- both from the left and the right -- don't seem able to make that distinction.

Unfortunately, with the White House's recent -- and foolish -- singling out of ALL of Fox News based on the antics of their entertainers, it casts a very cold pall over news organizations in general. (And other outlets, ABC for one, were quick to criticize the White House for this.)
After all, if the White House chooses to "freeze out" a broadcast network based on the opinions of its commentators -- no more interviews, no more questions being answered at press conferences, etc. -- then wouldn't this encourage the other news outlets to toe the Administration's line?

That sound you heard was your 1st Amendment right to freedom of the press, trickling away.
The important thing to remember is that Stewart, Colbert, Olbermann, Wallace, Beck, Hannity et al. are NOT journalists...and most of them would be glad to tell you so. They are commentators and pundits...basically, they're merely entertainers at best.

It is truly frightening how many people in the country -- both from the left and the right -- don't seem able to make that distinction.

Unfortunately, with the White House's recent -- and foolish -- singling out of ALL of Fox News based on the antics of their entertainers, it casts a very cold pall over news organizations in general. (And other outlets, ABC for one, were quick to criticize the White House for this.)
After all, if the White House chooses to "freeze out" a broadcast network based on the opinions of its commentators -- no more interviews, no more questions being answered at press conferences, etc. -- then wouldn't this encourage the other news outlets to toe the Administration's line?

That sound you heard was your 1st Amendment right to freedom of the press, trickling away.

Whoa, hang on there turbo. It's true that they tell everyone that they're not journalists, but the difference between Fox and everyone else is that Glenn Beck says he's not a journalist but then he pretends to be. He says, "I'm not a journalist, but because I simply said those four words I can say or do whatever I want and pretend to be one and present falsehoods as if they were truth." It's completely and totally irresponsible.

Stewart is a comedian and his show is entirely satirical, but O'Reilly and Olbermann ARE, IN FACT, JOURNALISTS. They just have commentator programs. I can't stand Bill O'Reilly but he has been a journalist all his life. He has worked as a journalist for newspapers and is a graduate from Boston College if I'm not mistaken. Olbermann is a Cornell graduate and began his career in sports journalism and later moved to MSNBC. Like them or not, they're real journalists.

The only people who DON'T have a degree AT ALL, much less in any facet of journalism are Sean Hannity and Glen Beck, yet they are the ones who CONTINUALLY spew bullshit that the American people take as fact. Granted, if their viewers are such retarded dipshits that they believe them then that's not entirely the fault of Hannity and Beck...I mean, they wouldn't be popular if people didn't watch them. However, people DO watch them and they watch them not for some entertainment factor, but instead they watch them because that's where they get their news. Not from a real journalist, but from two hacks whose heads are so far up the neoncons' asses that they can't imagine any other point of view. There would be absolutely no difference whatsoever between me having a commentator program and Glenn Beck having a program. I don't have any journalistic credentials and I rant and rave on a message board, so what's the difference between me and Beck, besides the fact that I'm not an idiot? It just goes to show that the American people don't want to hear the truth; they want to hear someone tell them what they want to hear so they can feel better about themselves.

Americans have this infatuation with "Joe Everyman". They want people in places of power to be just like them, which is the most idiotic and ridiculous thing I've ever heard.

I used to hate Bill O'Reilly, but in contrast to those two he's like Gandhi.


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The only thing I took from that post was that "you can only have an opinion on TV if you're a journalist". IMO, the opposite should be true. Journalists should present the facts as opinion-free as possible.
The only thing I took from that post was that "you can only have an opinion on TV if you're a journalist". IMO, the opposite should be true. Journalists should present the facts as opinion-free as possible.

From my post? I'm saying exactly what you're saying. If you have an opinionated column in a newspaper you should give your opinion but you wouldn't put it on the front page and write, "THIS IS WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW" as if it's the truth. That is what Glenn Beck is doing, it's only on television.

I really see no use for commentary programs on news stations. It's the sole reason for the dumbing down of America. If I watch Glenn Beck, it's strictly to count how many lies he spews forth that day and for a few chuckles. I don't even watch Olbermann.

Sarcasm, crying, and screaming and yelling has no place in a news network. Period.
I'd much rather watch Glenn Beck than any one on MSNBC, CNN or other news channels. Also, he continously says that he isn't a journalist.

Wow... that's sad. (sorry, but it's my opinion)

It doesn't matter that he continuously says he isn't a journalist. He's still a dumbass.