Dead Winter
I'm a veteran and I really don't care. Also, this isn't news...this story is at LEAST 6 months old. He didn't put it into effect or anything, it was an idea he kicked around for a couple of days and then realized it was stupid and nixed it. Are you telling me you've never had a stupid idea?
Stop watching so much Glenn Beck.
As far as the health care debate goes, health care should be a right to every person, not a privilege. Just because it's not in our Bill of Rights or our Constitution doesn't mean it shouldn't be. Americans have this habit of thinking that nothing existed before the signing of the Declaration of Independence (as if 240 years is a long time) and the formation of our Bill of Rights, as if God Himself (if there is one) physically handed his seal of approval to George Washington. Now I'm not saying health care should be free or done in the same manner as how it is here in Europe, but a uniquely American and affordable system needs to be put in place.
Personally I don't care what happens. I live here now and I'd never go back to the states without a 6 or 7-figure income. I just feel sorry for people who are genuinely sick and they just have to sit there and die because no one will help them without insurance. You would think that with all the Chuck Schuldiner fanboys out there, they'd get that by now.
Education and health care should be rights of the people. The healthier and more educated your people, the healthier and better off your country will be. But then again, America is a country where idiots like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly can become millionaires. But you know what? It's not really their fault. The average American is so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world that they won't know the difference. Those guys are making money off of other people's's the American Way. All they have to say is something about socialism (as if they'd even know what it is) and half the US is in a panic. It's McCarthyism all over again.
Bah, who knows? Maybe it's better that more people die. Less stupid people breathing our oxygen. Less morbidly obese people driving up costs of insurance because they can't keep their fat, pudgy little fingers off that second triple Whopper with cheese. Less religious people voting.
Stop watching so much Glenn Beck.
As far as the health care debate goes, health care should be a right to every person, not a privilege. Just because it's not in our Bill of Rights or our Constitution doesn't mean it shouldn't be. Americans have this habit of thinking that nothing existed before the signing of the Declaration of Independence (as if 240 years is a long time) and the formation of our Bill of Rights, as if God Himself (if there is one) physically handed his seal of approval to George Washington. Now I'm not saying health care should be free or done in the same manner as how it is here in Europe, but a uniquely American and affordable system needs to be put in place.
Personally I don't care what happens. I live here now and I'd never go back to the states without a 6 or 7-figure income. I just feel sorry for people who are genuinely sick and they just have to sit there and die because no one will help them without insurance. You would think that with all the Chuck Schuldiner fanboys out there, they'd get that by now.
Education and health care should be rights of the people. The healthier and more educated your people, the healthier and better off your country will be. But then again, America is a country where idiots like Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly can become millionaires. But you know what? It's not really their fault. The average American is so far behind in education compared to the rest of the world that they won't know the difference. Those guys are making money off of other people's's the American Way. All they have to say is something about socialism (as if they'd even know what it is) and half the US is in a panic. It's McCarthyism all over again.
Bah, who knows? Maybe it's better that more people die. Less stupid people breathing our oxygen. Less morbidly obese people driving up costs of insurance because they can't keep their fat, pudgy little fingers off that second triple Whopper with cheese. Less religious people voting.