What other GMDers influenced your music taste the most?

In all seriousness, I consider literally every person who has been here for a decent amount of time and claims that nobody else here has ever influenced their music taste to be completely dishonest.
That makes no sense at all, unless you're saying that a person can only have a certain 'education' or tastes in metal because of this forum which is ludicrous there are people here like myself who are old.
That makes no sense at all, unless you're saying that a person can only have a certain 'education' or tastes in metal because of this forum which is ludicrous there are people here like myself who are old.

You've found no new music due to other people during your time on this website? I'm skeptical.
Is someone showing you new stuff within a genre or style that you already like (what happens here the most is this) really the same as influencing someone?
That depends I guess, if you are quite new to a style but already worship a couple of bands but get alot of new recs I think that is some kind of influence, but a trusted veteran of a genre being introduced to a new band or two, not really.
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Technically, yes. I'm also pretty sure anyone who has been here for several years has found several new things through this site. I'm not sure why that's so hard to admit for old timers.
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Personally, I feel it's more so I see someone post cool album art and check out the music. That said I know it happens but It's probably less one individual person consistently influencing another so much as the forum picking up on something from an individual, the album/artist picks up steam and the total mentions of it influence the board as a whole in a sort of communal appreciation.
All of the people that I'm following on here, except @MetalAges (No offense, Deron!), are people who I think have pretty good music taste and I would accept recommendations from any of them.

There's this band called Warrant, and they have this amazing tune called Cherry Pie - check it!
This is probably out of your comfort zone, even if you like extreme prog. There's a chance you might like it though?

I will listen to that after I fulfill the mixtape review responsibility I've been shirking for a week. I guess I could just let you know after I listen to it but fuck it I'm halfway through my post now.
Dodens - traditional doom, heavy/power/speed metal

Malignance - old school death metal, black metal

Master Yoda - traditional doom

GoD - good insight into certain bands/albums spanning the entire genre

Omni - same as above

Cythraul - good taste while being unreasonably nit picky in the most humorous way possible

The rest of you suck.