What side of your mouth do you smoke with?


  • Left

    Votes: 10 25.6%
  • Center

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • Right

    Votes: 11 28.2%
  • any side/other orifice

    Votes: 7 17.9%

  • Total voters


New Metal Member
Jul 5, 2008
So I just noticed that I can only smoke out of the left side of my mouth, if I smoke from the center or the right I start feeling all weird and uncomfortable haha (unless it is a pipe or bong or what have you :loco:)

I've never smoked as well... I don't know if I should though, I mean I have some, but I have resisted for a long time:loco:

Cigs - Fuck no, they're retarded, you're giving yourself cancer and barely even getting a buzz for it
Weed - :Smokedev:

And yeah, when I say I've never had a cig, I mean of the tobacco variety :D
Shit, now that I think of it...it's hard to remember!? I'm pretty sure I'm almost always smoking on the left side.

BTW, if anyone remembers my "no smoking thread", I failed for a while and now settle with a few rolled cigs of good tobacco per day.

This stuff is the shit:


I dig the Turkish myself. Wow, went way OT there lol. :D

I might get ripped by some tobacco purists for the above, it's actually not super awesome stuff but it's reasonably priced and I dig it lol.


Ps-Oh yeah I've been blazing...so OT posts will happen.
Actually, I guess I kinda lied - I bought me one of these:


And a bunch of hollow cig. tubes for stealth smoking on the go, and it's worked like a charm! (I cut out a filter from one of the tubes and stick it in the far right part of the chamber to effectively reduce the size of the opening, no way am I gonna waste all that bud to fill up a whole cig., and it leaves room at the end of the cigs to twist 'em off :D)
Cigs - Fuck no, they're retarded, you're giving yourself cancer and barely even getting a buzz for it
Weed - :Smokedev:

And yeah, when I say I've never had a cig, I mean of the tobacco variety :D

Yeah dude smoking is worthless. I did it forever and finally stopped. For every 15 cigarettes you smoke you create a mutation in a cell in your lungs and even though that is rather minute in the grand scheme of things, this hypochondriac just can't take that risk.

That being said I must answer Gareth's question and say left also, but I did tend to move it around just to keep things interesting.

Another question would be what is everyone's choice brand?

For me it was Reds.

EDIT: so random, but is anyone else weirded out when spelling out the word "minute" using it in the context I just did?
Another question would be what is everyone's choice brand?

For me it was Reds.

EDIT: so random, but is anyone else weirded out when spelling out the word "minute" using it in the context I just did?

My favourite brand is Marlboro Reds, but I don't smoke 'em often. Expensive. I'm on royals at the moment. Eurgh... Cheap and not so cheerful.

And yeah, using the word "minute" in that context is weiiiiiiiird
If you're not getting a tobacco buzz, you may just be using poor tobacco. If you go for fine handrolling tobacco (I enjoy the hell out of Stokkebye's Amsterdam Shag) you can get amazingly strong buzzes with very little tobacco, and you won't have to spend so much time eating Cheetos and watching B-movies afterwards.
