What the Fuck!?


Endemic Vagabond
Feb 16, 2004
I think I lost my flash drive at school today >_<
I had a lot of information on that thing, and it will not be easy to replace at all...

What pisses me off more is that I don't exactly remember all the details of this morning, which means that I may not have even brought it with me to school.

You see, this is a huge habit I have in this location; so, naturally, every time I sit at a computer, I have this pavlovian response to whipping the damn thing out. The problem is that after doing this so many times, I can't actually recall which memories go with which days in my head.

So in short, I'm going to be even more depressed if I did lose it, but there is a 50/50 chance that I didn't even bring it with me (which is unusual on its own).

So yeah....what the fuck!?
I think it's gone.

The thing is, it's also broken, the part that plugs into the computer is bent at a 60 degree angle, so if it bends any more in either direction...well, it will break.

I really have no idea why anyone would steal it :(
I think it's gone.

The thing is, it's also broken, the part that plugs into the computer is bent at a 60 degree angle, so if it bends any more in either direction...well, it will break.

I really have no idea why anyone would steal it :(

They just want that awesome avatar of yours.
indeed, I found a usb-stick from 128 mb a few months ago and it works perfectly. 128 mb is very little but it works so I use it for smaller files :)
This Monday, I forgot my pen case in the auditorium after an exam. As i didnt need it for learning, I only found out I didnt have it with me at the next exam (i had to borrow a pen, and as i didnt have any corrector fluid or ink eraser, my paper didnt look very presentable). I first thought i forgot the pen case at home, chearched the whole appartment, including the kitchen shelves and the fridge... to finally realise that it was nowhere and could only be at the university...

At least someone found it and i got it back today.
This Monday, I forgot my pen case in the auditorium after an exam. As i didnt need it for learning, I only found out I didnt have it with me at the next exam (i had to borrow a pen, and as i didnt have any corrector fluid or ink eraser, my paper didnt look very presentable). I first thought i forgot the pen case at home, chearched the whole appartment, including the kitchen shelves and the fridge... to finally realise that it was nowhere and could only be at the university...

At least someone found it and i got it back today.

You actually have to hand write stuff? Is this like everyday work or just finals? Hand writing assignments is greatly frowned upon in colleges here, unless of course it is done for an assignment on-the-spot style.
You actually have to hand write stuff? Is this like everyday work or just finals? Hand writing assignments is greatly frowned upon in colleges here, unless of course it is done for an assignment on-the-spot style.
it was finals, we have at the end of each semester an exam in each class that we take... (neu bachelor/master thing, the old system was a bit different). I never have to write paper (exept physics lab reports), but thats mainly because i study somehing scientific. When you study something more social, you can have quite regulary papers to write. But for my lab reports, i could write them by hand. Everybody was doing it on the computer, including me. But at the end, i just started to write them by hand because the formulas editor in office 2003 was crappy to use. In office 2007 it is better, but it still requires so many clicks hat i get a sore shoulder because of the mouse...