What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

every shift, my goal is to make 5-10 long time returning customers by providing them absolutely outstanding customer service, product and lifestyle info to ensure they succeed

with 50 new stores opening up in the mall, and me working there. I am hoping we will have around 60 customers everyday in 4 or 5 months. If I get that, I will easily make 60 - 80 everyday in commission (which amounts to 18 bucks an hour salary)
My fucking dream job! Not really but I want to work in a library.

I did too - until I actually got the job :lol:

What I really want to do (that isn't my "dream job") is to work at a cafe. I'd actually like to one day own one to be quite honest. Me and Alix have all these "hopes and dreams" for those "days in the future" and one of the things we hope to be able to do is to open up a cafe and a bar/grill. It'd be cool I think to do :) I think I'd enjoy it maybe as much as I would becoming a radio broadcaster.
How did you get a job at the library? I swear only 60 year single/widowed women worked in libraries.

I saw a sign saying they were hiring pages (basically shelve books and make sure that the shelves are in proper working order) so I went to the City of Wayne website, printed out the application, filled it out, went to the city hall personnel department dropped it off, got a call back from the library for the interview, 2 weeks later I got a job.

I've had it for almost a year it seems.
I did too - until I actually got the job :lol:

What I really want to do (that isn't my "dream job") is to work at a cafe. I'd actually like to one day own one to be quite honest. Me and Alix have all these "hopes and dreams" for those "days in the future" and one of the things we hope to be able to do is to open up a cafe and a bar/grill. It'd be cool I think to do :) I think I'd enjoy it maybe as much as I would becoming a radio broadcaster.

Then go for it... your still young so between the two of you , you can save $$ to at least make a downpayment on a business and finance the rest in let's say 3 to 5 years? ... If you have a subtantial amount to invest in starting a business then banks are more receptive to loan you the rest... but in the meantime save your money or as much of it as you can (put it in a interest bearing account or CD) and research your business till you know about it backwards and forwards... the easiest way to learn about it for free is to work in one... then when you have enough money to ask a bank for the rest ... you go for it... don't get into debt though being stupid with credit cards and such but do establish credit... banks like if you have some credit history... buy small shit and pay the bill in full when you get it... you'll see your credit score go high...
Making alright money? That would be a great place to work, always quiet (I assume) and not to tedious work. Great place to work at a young age that is.

edit: I'm talking about the library
Then go for it... your still young so between the two of you , you can save $$ to at least make a downpayment on a business and finance the rest in let's say 3 to 5 years? ... If you have a subtantial amount to invest in starting a business then banks are more receptive to loan you the rest... but in the meantime save your money or as much of it as you can (put it in a interest bearing account or CD) and research your business till you know about it backwards and forwards... the easiest way to learn about it for free is to work in one... then when you have enough money to ask a bank for the rest ... you go for it... don't get into debt though being stupid with credit cards and such but do establish credit... banks like if you have some credit history... buy small shit and pay the bill in full when you get it... you'll see your credit score go high...

Thanks for the advice :) Yeah, Alix already works in a restaurant so she is gaining the experience for that half of it and I'm trying to get a job at the local cafe (complete with all the cool scenesters and their poetry readings) but I need this job at the library to last me until December, when I will be heading out to Canada to see Alix. It will be my present to myself of sorts, but I'm going to need to be able to take two weeks off (which means calling in all my days off and getting people to cover the remaining days.) I'll probably drop the library job then - and apply at the cafe or a local Gamestop.

Making alright money? That would be a great place to work, always quiet (I assume) and not to tedious work. Great place to work at a young age that is.

edit: I'm talking about the library

I do make the sub-minimum wage (85% of the minimum wage) for people under 18, but it is decent at 6.09 and I've been saving up for a little over 1 1/2 years so I've got around 1500 dollars (I've made some purchases within that time so it is a pretty decent amount.)

The work is dreadfully boring, shelving books and correcting the shelves. It sucks but I get to read alot - while working anyways, I'm not supposed to but I've managed to keep it so I look like I'm not reading haha.
I think I'd prefer dishwashing to my current job, mostly because you'd be around other people instead of just walking amongst the books like a shadow unable to talk to anyone (really I'm not "allowed to talk to the patrons" unless they address me first.)
Nah man, trust me. I have school during the week, and friday saturday and sunday, I'd be working from 4p.m until 2a.m because I had to close all the time. I only made 7.25 (Can) also. I guess if you didn't have to close it would be alright. I'd prefer a more quiet job like a library, I'm not exactly a very social guy.
Try working overnight. I did this for 7 months at a grocery store and it was the most fun shit ever. Given it is better for the antisocial and those able to adapt to living on a schedule opposite the world. It was nice and relaxing not ever having to deal with people. Jobs like that usually pay decently too, since most people don't like working those hours. It's a great feeling going home in the morning while you pass everyone just on their way to work.
Ah, see I'm not but being completely isolated from people and not even being allowed to have my headphones on just drives me fucking up the wall.

Also where in Canada do ya live?
Nah man, trust me. I have school during the week, and friday saturday and sunday, I'd be working from 4p.m until 2a.m because I had to close all the time. I only made 7.25 (Can) also. I guess if you didn't have to close it would be alright. I'd prefer a more quiet job like a library, I'm not exactly a very social guy.

I guess you're working less then 28 hours/week and are under 18? Still I thought the minimum wage for these criterias was 7.50$/hour as of Feb. 2007. You might want to verify this...and if you're over 18 you shold have 8$/hour.

Not much of an increase in either cases but you shouldn't be paid below that...
stop settling for these shitty jobs people, there are much better jobs out there, even at 18

Your job sound like one of the most boring I can think of. You have to sell crap to superficial clients who are only concerned with their appearances.

Plus your salary suck. I was making more than that when I was picking up strawberries at 14 years old. Please stop making it sound like you have a great job and salary as it really doesn't seem to be the case with either.

Now go back to posing in front of your mirror and fantasizing about your the next big day where you'll make like 30$ of sale... it's actually kinda pathetic to brag about 30$ sale during your shifts. :lol:
uhmm I am making close to 14 bucks an hour.

It will soon be 15-18 as more and more customers come to the mall (over 50 new stores opening up)

edit: you were making 15 bucks an hour picking strawberries at 14? that is fucking bullshit and you know it

not to mention I don't ever take any unpaid lunch breaks (I eat on the job) and I get paid for 2 hours of work every week that I don't even do (as I leave 30 minutes early everyday and still get paid for those 30 minutes)