What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

See, Dave- that's one of the things that pisses people off about you. You're so fucking sure that everything will work out. Dave, I'm going to tell you this because you need to know: Life is not a fantasy. Not everything is going to go according to plan. You seem to think that being successful in business is all about desire and having a pocket full of dreams, but in actuality it takes hard work (which you are apparently adverse to), intelligence (which passed you by a long time ago) and a lot of luck (which you don't seem to have, since you lack any redeeming qualities).

ROFLMFAO at me being adverse to hardwork!

I am adverse to working shitty manual labor in some worthless company for 8 bucks an hour. I am not at all adverse to working 60 or 70 hours a week to make a company succeed. Hell right now I am going to be pushing 80 hours a week with 40 - 45 hours of work, 20 - 25 hours of studying/school and 10 hours of weightliftng every week. I will work my ass off if it is necessary but if I can have an easy as hell job and make more money than 95% of people my age (like right now), why would I pass that up?

LOL nobody is more hard working, motivated, driven and dedicated than I am buddy
Going to the lengths that you are willing to earn money is simply not conducive to creating an environment in which happiness can really be achieved.
I like the sound of Dave's week; at this moment in my life I'd like nothing more than to work 45 hours a week, I'm going to run out of money while I'm at school because I'm hardly working right now and I'll be working 10-15 hours tops while I'm at school.

And to spend 88 hours a week asleep.../drool
LOL I'll be making close to 2,400 a month with 40 - 42 hours.

Just find a job selling shit where there is a lot of customers, you can easily make 12-14 an hour and selling is easy as hell
There are a lot of people, myself included, who hate the idea of putting on a facade to sell things to people. Sitting around on your ass all day and every once in a while, tricking someone into spending more money than they needs isn't "work".

Like this. A lot of people don't want to make money by taking advantage of people. But, since you've got that whole superiority complex going on, I guess it works for you.

I can't speak for Dave or GNC but I make a living as a salesman and no one tricks anyone into buying anything. The ultimate decision is the consumers. I sell jewelry and trust me I do not trick someone into buying a $3,000 engagement ring. If they like something , they buy it. The selling game is all about price. The salesman wants to sell it for a higher price and the buyer wants to negotiate a lower price. There is no tricking someone into buying. They are adults and can make a educated decision. We just help them pick out the right product that suits there needs. If you think a sales job is not "work" then you have no idea what you are talking about and you should work a 12 hour shift on the sales floor like i did today and will do tomorrow and then tell me it's not work changing watch batteries, accounting for missing inventory, negotiating prices with customers who think you can go lower and not lose your job, deal with customer service issues with assholes who cannot be pleased no matter what, etc. I swear salespeople get no respect for the BS we have to go through just so you the customer are pleased and feel respected. :mad:
LOL this a summary of my work

*come in to store - opening operations takes maybe 20 minutes
*sit around wait for customers
*sell shit for maybe 2 or 3 hours total out of 8 hour shift, though I prefer it be busy. When it is really busy I can make close to 17-18 bucks an hour
*sit around wait for customers
*listen to ipod
*at end of night close down the store, takes 10 minutes
*take deposit to bank
*go home

I should note that I get paid for 2 hours weekly that I am not even at the store, I leave the store everyday at 9:05 (in the system I logout at 9:30, I close very quickly). I also don't have any unpaid lunch breaks

best job ever
Sales is the best job ever.
I'm a glorified bookie who takes bets from people who gamble on the outcome of stocks in the market and I earn commission on it whether they win or lose. I convince them to buy stocks that they lose money on more times then they make but anyway you look at it I'm really a salesman though I call myself something else because no one is a "salesman" in the finance industry

fixed :lol: jk Ozz.. couldn't help myself...
the most rewarding part of my job though is definately returning customers

when somebody comes back and thanks me (as they have gained like 5 pounds of muscle in a month), it makes me very happy.
5% clerk, 5% cook, 90% salesman. We had to try to get them to buy our specials and selling a cookie cake is especially difficult and long and tedious.

It's not that difficult once they smell it assuming you cooked something excellent and the price is reasonable... if you had a hard time selling cakes to obese people then there is something wrong with the cake or cookie :lol:
I liked being a clerk in a local grocery store, most people there, even the most picky customers, liked me very much and I was good at making sure they found everything, etc. So yeah I get that returning customers thing.

I got a mother/daughter that dropped $1,500 on a diamond ring and service plan today that said to me don't ever leave this job because you are very friendly, knowledgeable,helpful etc. So i get the whole returning customers thing because I think from now on they will be coming back to me and not my coworkers because I treated them right and such...