What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

there are 4 steps important in every sale

1)customer will love product
2)Customer spends a lot of money
3)customer will have to come back as often as possible for product
4)customer will come back to this specific gnc because he has developed a relationship with the salesman.
nah I said that to him to show that there is a lot better out there than working at a restaurant for minimum wage.
Certain jobs pay more and are easy to get if you have good social skills and not all people do. Besides, I trust that he would've been able to find something better if his current position didn't satisfy him to some extent(short walking distance from home, etc, I don't know I'm guessing here). Regardless, it's better to do something than to be a beggar. People work in jobs according to their abilities. People have different needs. Some people are satisfied with less, others aren't. You can't say that the former are wrong and the latter are right.
Man, I'm sure as hell never shopping at a GNC...

smart man. GNC does sell stuff like Multivitamins and fish body oils at a decent price though. Get a gold card from somebody and you can get 3 months worth of a very good multivitamin for 23 bucks

Certain jobs pay more and are easy to get if you have good social skills and not all people do. Besides, I trust that he would've been able to find something better if his current position didn't satisfy him to some extent(short walking distance from home, etc, I don't know I'm guessing here). Regardless, it's better to do something than to be a beggar. People work in jobs according to their abilities. People have different needs. Some people are satisfied with less, others aren't. You can't say that the former are wrong and the latter are right.

yea I suppose you are correct

still sounds like a horrid job to me though
Dude just be glad there are people doing these "horrible" jobs or there would be no one to mow the golf course you're supposedly going to be spending the rest of your life on.
uhhhhh what? :erk:

you would be sitting down most of the time, eating listening to your ipod etc...

also not interested in extra 1000 bucks a month which you can use to buy like 200 metal CDs?

How is this still escaping you? Some people like to come home from work and feel like they have actually done an honest days work. People want to feel tired and sweaty, maybe bleed just a little and have some pain in their back, arms and legs. It actually feels pretty good to get home and relax after really working hard for ten hours.

There are a lot of people, myself included, who hate the idea of putting on a facade to sell things to people. Sitting around on your ass all day and every once in a while, tricking someone into spending more money than they needs isn't "work".

all of that is true. But my customers are still idiots, spending 55 bucks on 4 pounds of nitro tech because I tell them a whole bunch of bullshit about it .

Like this. A lot of people don't want to make money by taking advantage of people. But, since you've got that whole superiority complex going on, I guess it works for you.
Dude just be glad there are people doing these "horrible" jobs or there would be no one to mow the golf course you're supposedly going to be spending the rest of your life on.

very true, +1

How is this still escaping you? Some people like to come home from work and feel like they have actually done an honest days work. People want to feel tired and sweaty, maybe bleed just a little and have some pain in their back, arms and legs. It actually feels pretty good to get home and relax after really working hard for ten hours.

that sounds horrible to be honest with you :lol: . But then again that's why I will be a businessman in the future and not a blue collar worker.

There are a lot of people, myself included, who hate the idea of putting on a facade to sell things to people. Sitting around on your ass all day and every once in a while, tricking someone into spending more money than they needs isn't "work".

Like this. A lot of people don't want to make money by taking advantage of people. But, since you've got that whole superiority complex going on, I guess it works for you.

I don't see it this way to be honest. Those people will come to GNC and spend money regardless of who is selling there.

The difference is that with me they will spend alot on stuff that is VERY good and very effective. I don't sell shit that doesn't work, that's why people love shopping with me.

I don't feel like I am scamming people or taking advantage of people. Taking advantage would be selling them 200 dollar products that are worthless. In most cases, I try to sell a lot of stuff at a very low price so they are thoroughly satisfied and I make a shitload of commission. I do everything I can to give people the lowest prices on products.

Sales is the best job ever for an 18-20 year old

This is why I majored in finance.

it would be a huge (but ultimately extremely rewarding) challenge to take a 400 500 grand store and turn it into a million dollar store.

eh... let's cut the crap here, pay me a shitload and give me any job that is not too much work and it would love it...