What type of JEEEOOOOORRRB do you have?

Exactly. And this is Texas, although I probably won't teach here. It's all in the situation.

Drama = middle school and shitty high school vapid crap, theatre = good, challenging plays. Same thing it's just a tad insulting (for lack of a better word) when it's called drama to me. I think of a soap opera as drama, and say House as theatre (if they were plays.)
I will absolutely work my ass off age 20 - 35, get a couple of GNC franchises running succesfully + investments and I will be set for life

See, Dave- that's one of the things that pisses people off about you. You're so fucking sure that everything will work out. Dave, I'm going to tell you this because you need to know: Life is not a fantasy. Not everything is going to go according to plan. You seem to think that being successful in business is all about desire and having a pocket full of dreams, but in actuality it takes hard work (which you are apparently adverse to), intelligence (which passed you by a long time ago) and a lot of luck (which you don't seem to have, since you lack any redeeming qualities).

I'm gonna be teaching theatre. Quite a few of the men I'll be working with in the field and the kids I'm going to be teaching are gonna be gay. And it's not like I'm going to be advertising the fact that I'm gay, that's a recipe for disaster. I know you're being sarcastic or whatever, I'm just sayin'.


Drama = middle school and shitty high school vapid crap, theatre = good, challenging plays. Same thing it's just a tad insulting (for lack of a better word) when it's called drama to me. I think of a soap opera as drama, and say House as theatre (if they were plays.)


(Not so much with the House example, but with the point in general).
Anyone out there have a degree dealing with electronic devices or electricity of any form?

Reason for asking:

I'm not the type of person who can show up to work at the same place for 30+ years, do my time, suck my bosses nuts for years so I can pray for a promotion and all that jazz. My girlfriend is going to business school and has every intention of starting her own business, which is another story, so I'm trying to come up with some ideas of something I could possibly put my electronics degree to use.
See, Dave- that's one of the things that pisses people off about you. You're so fucking sure that everything will work out. Dave, I'm going to tell you this because you need to know: Life is not a fantasy. Not everything is going to go according to plan. You seem to think that being successful in business is all about desire and having a pocket full of dreams, but in actuality it takes hard work (which you are apparently adverse to), intelligence (which passed you by a long time ago) and a lot of luck (which you don't seem to have, since you lack any redeeming qualities).


Funny but true
Ah, so it just boils down to money. That's just a difference in us I guess, more money=more happiness for you, and I couldn't give a fuck less about money as long as I'm comfortable. Besides, I'm gonna be a teacher! Summers off! Beat that!

OMFG! Wake up at like 5:00 every morning, get home at 4:00 and grade papers the rest of the night! Yeah!!!

I know this because my mother is a teacher aswell.
I'm going to be a theatre teacher. The worst papers I'd have to grade are tests. My theatre teacher in high school could grade papers in class and never had to take stuff home. And why get up at 5? If I got up at 7 and lived somewhat close to the school I could get there by 8 easy.

Most schools require you to be there by a certain time, and you'll have to be there early to prepare and shit.