What was it like when you were new...


Doom as fvck
Jan 23, 2006
South England
...to metal? What was it like, how did you first get into this music scene? How old were you? What was the track that got you interested?

I ask this because, having only really discovered the whole metal 'thing' recently, it's hurting my head. I like most genres. There are a lot of good bands. A lot :zombie: . Help me ._. I feel lost and grab at the few bands that I can see above the surface of the metal ocean.

Ah well, for me, I got my interest spiked by 'heavier' music when I heard SOAD on radio1 about a year back. Yeah. Don't ask me how I'd managed to avoid Iron Maiden, Black Sabbath, Motorhead et all other old rock and metal bands for my entire life up until that point, but I had.
Anywho, SOAD got me interested and uh....Trivium got me hooked. Yep sir-ee.

Also, this new found interest in music has kicked me into actually playing an instrument again, which is good after I neglected my ability for about three years...maybe I'll even try the guitar :eek:

If there's been a topic like this rediculously recently, please slap me round the face for being blind :)
It was very fun when I first got into metal. I remember being really happy when I discovered Hypocrisy on iTunes.

The band that got me into metal was Slayer and the song that kept me Dead Skin Mask. Still one of my favorites. My first intro to death metal, my current favorite genre, was Hypocrisy specifically their classic song Roswell 47

As for finding new bands check out sites like www.deadtide.com and http://www.metal-observer.com/ for reviews and such, and take a swing by the stickies at the top of this board.
Must have been 3 years ago I started listening to Metallica. But I wasn't REALLY into metal then. It was only when I started listening to Arch Enemy two years ago.

I'm a wee metal lad. Pretty new to the genre. It was fun (still is) but nothing very interesting
I couldn't fucking listen to Behemoth...I remember listening to Typhonian Soul Zodiack and loving it till the vocals came in. SO BR00TAL DUDE...
It was 1984, before melodeath/metalcore/nu metal was around. The good days. Records such as Defenders of the Faith, In The Sign of Evil, Haunting the Chapel, Ride the Lightning, Fistful of Metal, Powerslave, etc. were being released. It was the good old days when metal was brutal. It was great. I miss those days. It just takes me back.
I started listening to metal when I was ten.
My uncle got me Master of Puppets for my birthday and I was hooked. Now it's pretty much all I listen too, besides some classic rock etc...
Consuming Impulse said:
It was 1984, before melodeath/metalcore/nu metal was around. The good days. Records such as Defenders of the Faith, In The Sign of Evil, Haunting the Chapel, Ride the Lightning, Fistful of Metal, Powerslave, etc. were being released. It was the good old days when metal was brutal. It was great. I miss those days. It just takes me back.
Your sig is way too fucking huge.

Yeah, metal was soo brutal back then.:rolleyes:
MasterOLightning said:
Your sig is way too fucking huge.

Yeah, metal was soo brutal back then.:rolleyes:

Yeah metal is too brutal now. Metal sucks now. It's no longer heavy its too melodic and the metal "fans" of today suck.
Back in the 80's you got Slayer, Dark angel, Bathory, Death, Metallica, Motorhead, Iron Maiden, Napalm Death, Sodom, Judas Priest, Megadeth, Testament, Anthrax, Hallows Eve, Venom, Cetltic frost, Speultura, Witchfinder GeneralPossessed, Pestilence, Godflesh, Overkill, etc. etc. etc. etc. etc.

Basically all the greats the bands that matter. Back then you knew what metal was now you can t tell from emo, hard rock, pop, and shit.
hibernal_dream said:
Too brutal AND too melodic?

I was being sarcastic about the amount of brutallity and heavyness in today's music. I was serious that metal today is too melodic and not as heavy.
I first got into metal when i was about 10 when my brother gave me some cds with rammstein, lost horizon, nevermore and some gothenburg stuff and then some 80s heavy metal. i was into it back then but it wasn't until i was about 12 or so when he gave me like 40 gigs of metal stuff to listen to and i listened to all of it and then started listening to more and more bands and posting on boards and here i am now.
It was HIM and Nightwish when I was 15 years old... They were a perfect way to get into metal for a girl at that age. Sexy, romantic, catchy. I guess none of which Metal is really about. But it was fun, and I liked the heaviness and the drama of it. I then started listening to Black Sabbath and Dio, etc... and then finally Hypocrisy and DarkTranquility and all those ''Gothenburg bands" were my entrance into extreme Metal.

And now here I am today, listening to Nokturnal Mortum, Bathory, Pain of Salvation, Cryptopsy. You name it.
I got into Metallica, Slayer and Pantera starting in middle school some time around the mid 90s. I think what really jump-started my foray into the underground world was a year or so later when I read a magazine article on death metal and started discovering Death, Carcass, Entombed, Morbid Angel, etc. Around this time a short-lived venue 10 minutes down the road began booking metal shows, and from there I got into the local bands, and the rest is pretty much history.

It's kind of funny, because that article came out shortly after Slaughter of the Soul was released, and it mentioned In Flames and Dark Tranquillity as similar bands. It stated that US fans probably aren't very familiar with the names, but that they are bands to be on the lookout for.
Freshman year in high school a friend reccomended me System of a Down, which was the heaviest stuff I was into so far. Then that winter I joined the wrestling team who would play old school Metallica on the stereo during practices, so that got me into them. Then one day I heard during practice the song "Du Hast" by Rammstein, which I liked a lot and proceeded to immerse myself in their discography. For about a year my headphones were ruled by the triumvirate of Rammstein, Metallica and SOAD.
In spring of my sophomore year I came across a band called The Kovenant whose caricature was on a site called rocktoons.com. I downloaded a couple of their songs from their latest album but I could only get one or two songs. Alas, I went and bought my first metal cd, and from then on I started buying cd's more frequently than illegal downloading.
It was fall of junior year when I finally got into true metal. A friend of mine informed me about a cool band he discovered called Hypocrisy, which I soon got into and is now one of my favorite bands ever. He also introduced me to Slayer. From then on I began deconstructing my abhorrences to death/black vocals and blast beats and I discovered the darkest depths of death and black metal.
Metal became my new hobby. These days I look forward to pilgrimages out to record stores and frequent this forum.
Without metal I couldn't imagine how depressing my life would be right now.

This post is dedicated to my good friend cookiecutter. Without you I would have been lost in the brainless crowd of the mainstream forever.
I think it was In Flames' Colony that got me interested in metal. But then i heard Immortal's At the Heart of Winter which turned me towards black metal.