What was it like when you were new...

i liked 80s hardcore and indie rock/pop when i was 13. then i bought deathcrush, welcome to hell, and seven churches on the same day cos i liked the covers and song titles, so then i listened mostly/only to black/death/thrash, mostly black. at about 18 or near there i rediscovered hardcore (until i heard a Converge album the only "new"-ish hardcore i cared for was 90s Bad Religion,) and indie {emo} rock and post-punk, and it gradually took over my listening time. now, at 21, i listen to "alternative" folk/country most of the time.

the circle is complete.


wtf is my deal...
My first ever alternative album was reload :zombie:

And i thought that was just so heavy and so rebelious ot listen to fuel
man i was fucken gay...how times have changed
then i listened to Rammstein, courtesy of my Father :kickass:
and basically got introduced to more and more heavy bands as time went one, mainly through friends...one friend at least
Danallica said:
My first ever alternative album was reload :zombie:

And i thought that was just so heavy and so rebelious ot listen to fuel
man i was fucken gay...how times have changed

Yeah, Reload was the first alternative/metal CD I ever owned (I had TBA on cassett). I thought The Memory Remains was wicked besides from that old lady singing "la la la la".
Hopefully no one laughs at me...

I started listening to band CKY (still a killer band), and in the videos that Bam made (althought having nothing to do with the band really), he used the song "Pallar Andars Visa" by In Flames... I liked it and checked the band out... heard "Moonshield" and was instantly orgasmed and bought as many of their albums as I could. Then I started posting on the MetalTabs forum and got a lot of good reccomendations from there and ended up here where I continue to hear new bands all the time... mp3.com also helped me to expand my tastes cause if you were on a band's site you liked you could check similiar artists and I found a lot of good ones that way.

ps. I'm drunk, hopefully that made sense.
Krakatau said:
Yeah, Reload was the first alternative/metal CD I ever owned (I had TBA on cassett). I thought The Memory Remains was wicked besides from that old lady singing "la la la la".

I remember that freaked out me at the end when she said 'just say hello...'
man i was lame then :kickass:
Scourge of Malice said:
Hopefully no one laughs at me...

I started listening to band CKY (still a killer band), and in the videos that Bam made (althought having nothing to do with the band really), he used the song "Pallar Andars Visa" by In Flames... I liked it and checked the band out... heard "Moonshield" and was instantly orgasmed and bought as many of their albums as I could. Then I started posting on the MetalTabs forum and got a lot of good reccomendations from there and ended up here where I continue to hear new bands all the time... mp3.com also helped me to expand my tastes cause if you were on a band's site you liked you could check similiar artists and I found a lot of good ones that way.

ps. I'm drunk, hopefully that made sense.

Im drunk too, yeh, it does make sense :kickass:
Danallica said:
My first ever alternative album was reload :zombie:

And i thought that was just so heavy and so rebelious ot listen to fuel
man i was fucken gay...how times have changed
then i listened to Rammstein, courtesy of my Father :kickass:
and basically got introduced to more and more heavy bands as time went one, mainly through friends...one friend at least

ah Rammstein, the gateway drug to metal! :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Blood&Tears said:
Well, this is kinda embarrassing…About 5 years ago a friend of mine asked if I have ever heard black metal. Of course I haven’t, so my first response was “do blacks sing it?”. :blush:

Ah, sort of like my friend asking me if I wanted to try her vegan cookie - I asked her, "Is it made with real vegans?" :lol:

In late August of 1977, when I was a wee lad of 6, my babysitter's daughter let us pick a record to spin because we weren't allowed to go outside since the air quality and heat that summer was making it too hazardous to be outside playing during the afternoon. For some reason, I was allowed to pick the first record. There, amongst the Captain and Tenille, Abba, Village People and other Top 40 1970's dreck records that my friends (trend-following sheep) were all listening to was an album with 4 guys looking like they fell out of a comic book. The needle was put to vinyl and after the sound effects came some of the most bombastic music I'd heard to that point. That album was Destroyer by Kiss. That day, I requested, and got, a Kiss album (their first) for my 7th birthday and wore out the vinyl. That Christmas, I received Alive, Alive II and Love Gun.

The following year, my grandmother - who had a vicious habit of giving away her children's things without their consent or knowledge - let me raid my uncle's record collection. One of the albums I took that hooked me immediately was Deep Purple's Made in Japan, especially Highway Star.

I stuck with Deep Purple and Kiss throughout the early 1980's. There wasn't much to recommend to me in the way of music as far as rock was concerned because it was really the time of New Wave dominating my friends' playlists. Not mine. It wasn't until high school started in 1984 that someone would finally recommend me some actual Heavy Metal. From that time on, I would be introduced to Metallica, Slayer, Megadeth, Iron Maiden, Ozzy Osbourne, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, Queensryche, Voivod, Mercyful Fate, King Diamond, Venom, Celtic Frost, Exodus, Anthrax... I think you see where this is heading. :kickass:
It was hair metal that started it all for me. Back in the mid 80's, I was a punk-ass snot nose kids flying around on my BMX with my mullet and acid wash jeans, jammin' to Motley Crue, W.A.S.P., and Twisted Sister. I also, of course, liked Sabbath, Maiden, King Diamond and Priest at the time. Then I heard Metallica and Megadeth and thought that was fucking extreme! Then I heard Slayer and discovered I was wrong. Slayer opened the flood gates for me to listen to underground metal, so it wasn't too long before I listened to Cannibal Corpse, Deicide, and Morbid Angel. The first black metal band I liked was Emperor. Since then, I've actually neglected finding new bands for the most part, but rather I've been trying to rediscover bands I liked or check out old albums from my favorite metal era: 1986 - 1995 (the only thing in this thread that Consuming Impulse was right about, BTW).
i used to listen to nu-metal and then i heard Molesting the Decapitated by Devourment when it first came out. i was hooked at that point.

i find myself listening to less metal nowdays though. i still love it, but when i'm looking for an album it's almost always not metal.

i go through these "stages" every few months though.
E6V6I6L said:
i used to listen to nu-metal and then i heard Molesting the Decapitated by Devourment when it first came out. i was hooked at that point.

i find myself listening to less metal nowdays though. i still love it, but when i'm looking for an album it's almost always not metal.

i go through these "stages" every few months though.

That's quite a leap :kickass: :kickass: :kickass: :kickass:
Nu-metal is actually less stupid than Devourment.

Listening to nu-metal then devourment is not a leap. You might aswell just not even listen to music really because your ears suck.
One summer, about 2 years ago, I took a begginer's HTML class in Summer School(I was 12.. everyone was like 3-5 years older then me) and I had liked simple rock and *gasp* country...

Then I found a certain site.... Heavyradio.com.. I was looking for a Black Sabbath song as a backround song while I made my site.. However while searching the site I found a bunch of featured songs... where I found an Iced Earth song Declaration Day.

While its not the best metal song (by far... ) I couldn't stop playing it.. I swear I listened to it like 9 times each class. From there I just started loving metal. I liked it fast, heavy, and loud.

Well back when I was in the 8th grade some kid in class would bring in the Black Album and play it during break time. At first I thought it was SO depressing but after repeated listenings I grew to love it. I was already into Led Zep and Guns but this was my first real step into metal. Next year I got into Slayer and death metal (I was purposefully trying to listen to the heaviest music possible). From there I got into the rest of the genre, classic, black, etc.
Wow...nice to hear from some 'old' people. This being relative due to my mere age of 16 >_<

One thing I notice about metal though: in my area there are a *tiny* number of fans. I'm the only person I actually know who has bothered their asses to dig deeper than DragonForce and Trivium, but the rewards are sweet and...sugary. It's a nice feeling to listen to music that you like, despite others oppinions, because you just find it so damn good \m/ Pity I can't convince people to agree with me though...the fools.
witchhunterni said:
Wow...nice to hear from some 'old' people. This being relative due to my mere age of 16 >_<

One thing I notice about metal though: in my area there are a *tiny* number of fans. I'm the only person I actually know who has bothered their asses to dig deeper than DragonForce and Trivium, but the rewards are sweet and...sugary. It's a nice feeling to listen to music that you like, despite others oppinions, because you just find it so damn good \m/ Pity I can't convince people to agree with me though...the fools.

why, what is your 'area' of metal?