What would've happened to black metal if not for the church burnings and crimes?


Sep 9, 2006
What would've happened to black metal if not for the church burnings and crimes? Watching near the end of When Satan Rides His Media last night gave me the idea because the person working for Misanthropy Records said something to the extent of We probably wouldn't known what black metal was if not for the church burnings and controversy. So do we need to all give Varg Vikernes a big thank you for sarcrificing himself so black metal could be known to the masses or would it be known eventually? I think with very good bands like Emperor and Darkthrone as well as Satyricon around it would've eventually gotten wide-spread popularity and gotten some labels attention.
None of the other metal genres needed the kind of controversy that surrounded black metal in order to get picked up by fans and labels. I don't see why black metal would be any different. It just sped up the process and created a notoriety around the genre that attracted more people (fans and new bands) to it.
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Cairath is right. It might have taken more time for Black metal to become popular, but they definitely would have gotten recognition, just maybe a little bit later. Also, Black metal wouldn't have as much as a 'notorious' image. Without the church burnings and murders, i believe black metal would have almost the same image as death metal does now.
Varg Vikernes would just be another face in the black metal crowd and would be known for his good music rather than his atrocious crimes, and Mayhem might still have its DMDS lineup, thus preventing Maniac from returning and plaguing Mayhem's album with his annoying vocals. Also, listening to some of those albums might not feel as surreal because of the absence of their current history.
It would be less funny

...and people would have noted that rather than being "grim", "necro" or "kvlt", most black metal is "shit", "tedious" and "amazingly underproduced and played by bedroom-ridden faggots. In jack boots".

P.S. If the BM lover that decides to post "die" in my rep box after every BM post I make wants a break, I'll send myself some humourless, poorly spelled and anonymous bad rep to myself :kickass:
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Varg Vikernes would just be another face in the black metal crowd and would be known for his good music rather than his atrocious crimes, and Mayhem might still have its DMDS lineup, thus preventing Maniac from returning and plaguing Mayhem's album with his annoying vocals. Also, listening to some of those albums might not feel as surreal because of the absence of their current history.

So in other words Varg screwed everything up.
None of the other metal genres needed the kind of controversy that surrounded black metal in order to get picked up by fans and labels. I don't see why black metal would be any different. It just sped up the process and created a notoriety around the genre that attracted more people (fans and new bands) to it.

Yes, I agree. The whole image behind the genre creates kind of a cult... It draws people in. It furthered the image of the black metal inner circle, which also draws people in.
Black metal has a very vivid background story, due to all this hype about church burnings and murders, many people like black metal just because of the good music and not just the background. Some people want nothing to do with it, and others like to support the artists ideas by burning down churches and murder.The back story makes it a dark mysterious and interesting tale to check out on the web, then the music gets you hooked in, its just like a dark musical trap to fall in.

The music got me into black metal, the church burnings and murders really wasn't something that was so amazing that I had to go buy it and listen to it immediately, but when I first heard about Mayhem and Deads suicide and Vargs vicious murder of Euronymous, I thought( wow these guys aren't fucking playing around... )they are dead serious. The scene has been growing like crazy ever since, so I would say I agree that the back story influenced people to get interested especially people that like horror movies, Stephen King novels, and darkevil things. All in all I would say that black metal imagery fits the music hand in hand to create a dark, cool, and unique musical experiance.
Well, the music is great. I love stuff like Mayhem, Burzum, Nortt, Xasthur, the list goes on... I won't lie, the mystery behind the genre definitely draws me and interests me.
So in other words Varg screwed everything up.

Basically. I'm sure others like Immortal and Emperor would have continued similarly in their career, but Mayhem would still have Euronymous and this may have affected their musical progression throughout the years and Burzum might have released more albums and have had a different musical styling as well.
I wish Varg would've been able to make more BM abums after Fiolosofem instead of the ambient ones.

When (if?) he gets out, he's mentioned in interviews that he'd love to re-record some of those songs from Daudi Baldrs and Hlidskjalf as they were originally concieved to be metal songs similar to his earlier albums.
Varg said he will be making another true Burzum album in the future, after he gets out in 08. The only reason he made those ambient albums because he made them in prison and he only had access to a little keyboard.
That's funny, I wish he'd made less albums in total, by say, his whole discography ?

Why do you hate his stuff so much? Hvis Lyset Tar Oss is a classic in every sense of the word. Sure the guy is an asshat but he did make some quality BM.
The only difference is, that people unfamiliar with the black metal underground wouldn't be familiar with black metal. And maybe the bands whose members participated in the burnings (Burzum, Emperor, Mayhem, etc.) would be more kvlt than they are now.
Varg Vikernes would just be another face in the black metal crowd and would be known for his good music rather than his atrocious crimes, and Mayhem might still have its DMDS lineup, thus preventing Maniac from returning and plaguing Mayhem's album with his annoying vocals.

cream dream