Whats happened to Metal??

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I buy albums for my own sake, not for any "moral" reason. Having to buy and put on one physical copy at a time makes you pay more attention than if you can put on one out of 1000 tracks with the push of a button. I don't want to get sucked into that, since that would definitely shorten my attention span. I noticed that sometimes with friends who are not that interested in music. I suggest something for them to check out on youtube, and they will start skipping through the song if nothing catches their attention during the first five seconds, it's sad really.
Well it's different when you're just sampling music on Jewtube. I skip ahead too, but if I download an album I'll listen to it all the way through.
Karmablade happened too metal and does not even bother to reply in their shit thread let alone take responsibility for their actions. Hide like a bitch fag.
Battlesk'rs tells me to refrain from buying thier stuff and to buy a gun and cocaine instead......
Oh fucking please. There have always been shit bands in metal. We just don't remember them because they aren't any good. The only reason there's so much whining about the current state of metal is because we haven't forgotten the current cesspool of unoriginality.
Oh fucking please. There have always been shit bands in metal. We just don't remember them because they aren't any good. The only reason there's so much whining about the current state of metal is because we haven't forgotten the current cesspool of unoriginality.

Every time I read the title of this thread I get this image in my head:


Whats happened to Metal?? :waah:
Oh fucking please. There have always been shit bands in metal. We just don't remember them because they aren't any good. The only reason there's so much whining about the current state of metal is because we haven't forgotten the current cesspool of unoriginality.

No man, metal IS real shitty these days, i havent heard a good album for a loooooong time and basically given up on finding a new quality album. Thats why i started my own band to do something about it.
Nile and Necrophagist released their first albums in the late 90's. That's fuckin old school man.
I find it pretty funny that he hates modern metal yet the bands in his Top 8 are Nile, Necrophagist, Beneath the Massacre, and Aeon.

with the exception of BTM i havent heard anything new that is worth listening to, metal just sucks these days, its sad however im going to bring back good metal with karmablade.
with the exception of BTM i havent heard anything new that is worth listening to, metal just sucks these days, its sad however im going to bring back good metal with karmablade.

Haha, you're a messiah man. But nobody fucking cares.
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