Whats the best Katatonia Album?

I'd say Katatonia has two peaks consisting at their two respective styles.

From the early period I'd reccomend Brave Murder Day. Get the CD that comes with For Funerals to come EP. 10 Classy songs, Akerfeldt graced in half of them.

From the new Katatonia, I'd get Tonight's Decision and Saw You Drown. Then work on Discouraged ones and the rest of their discography.
with me at least on some points:
First, I think Opeth and Katatonia are quite separated from one another, musicaly speaking. Though the reason they have many shared fans might be because they struck the same nerve. And no - not all Death metal bands struck the same nerve, sometimes even very far from it.

As for the best Katatonia album - In my opinion it's Discouraged Ones (though forgive the province i live in - regarding to metal - I couldnt put my hand on Tonight's Decision) with no second thought. Although Brave Murder
Day was the prophecy of the new-style Katatonia, it didnt walk all the way with it. It still hestiated between the new style and the old one, and in this "debate" (just as it could be the opposite) the hybred was an inferior one, in my opinion.
As for Last Fair Deal i feel it was like reproducing something that wasnt realy ready to erupt spontenously. I think they should have given it more time to cook, or may be even to change direction a bit into something new - it's not bad to turn at the peak, as long as you dont turn into something much worse. It even leaves passion for more. More that could be coming again in the future.

But now for the main issue of where to start with Katatonia?
I still think that Discourged is their best album yet, but I cant forget what pulled me into Katatonia's deal. It was December Souls I came in for, even if i stayed because of Discouraged. Completly another sound, but yet the same melancholy, the same passion that flow through your deepest nerve and unite
your soul with many others. Tracks like Velvet Thorns and Tomb of Insomnia (from DS) are never to slip my ears, as well as Without God that has extra meaning for hebrew speaker (such as myself). Discouraged tracks are all great
in their own sort of way, as far as it goes for the short, but so strong, Gone.

If you want a good start to really know Katatonia, you should listen to both Discouraged Ones and Dance of December Souls.

I would be happy to put my hand on Tonight's Decision, and hope it's more Discouraged'wards than Last Fair Deal'wards.
Opeth and Katatonia are entirely two different bands.. I just bought "Tonights Decision" a few days ago.. Gave it a lot of listens over the past days. I REALLY REALLY LOVED THE ALBUM, dont get me wrong or anything but I liked Opeth more. Its just 1 fact that separates the two bands. Opeth are a helluva lot more progressive, their music\mood\pace\speed all changes through time with the song. Katatonia are very depressive, their music is sad and VERY emotional. I loved it really but i felt the music could b better. Not musically but progressively. Problem is the music keeps over-repeating unnecessarly and that makes it boring after a lot of listens except in Katatonia's case, the music also has lots of depth so only time can tell about the boring thing
So my choice is Opeth.. I'd probably get killed for this saying this in a Katatonia Forum but what the hell! :grin:
The beauty of music/poetry/art is that it appeals
to our inner self,self being the operative word here.
As individuals we like what we like and that is that.
That said, I prefer LFDGD and Still Life(Opeth).
It's not that the others are better or worse, it is that
each one has something to say to my soul/pschye
whatever. When you listen to music you shouldn't
worry about what other fuckers think(just think
for your fuckin' self) and enjoy the emotion that
each song brings. just a dumbass's opinion.
Opeth are better live but the recorded works of
Katatonia get played around my house much
more than the ones of Opeth.
Dance of December Souls, For Funerals to Come, Brave Murder Day, then the rest.
I like starting from the beginning, truly getting to the blood and guts of the band, then hear their sound progress.
My fav. album is Dance.
The difference between Katatonia and Opeth is that Opeth has a vocalist...

Jonas just cant sing...........Its false sometimes!!!

Just listen to "In death, a song"
'Last Fair Deal' is absolutely the best one.:o

those of you, who like Brave murder day, check out finnish band called 'Rapture'. It sounds quite the same.:o
For me their best album is Discouraged ones. There is some atmosphere in it i still just can't describe. This vastness for example in Deadhouse... I just love this album. Tonight's Decision has a whole different atmosphere in my opinion but it moves me quite the same way than DC does. I would describe it like 2 chapters of a fucking good book!
My third vote goes for Brave Murder Day and then the others.
It's funny how the people who generally think 'Discouraged One's is the best rarely rate 'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' soon after it... They normally say 'Tonight's Decision' and 'Brave Murder Day' and 'then the rest'.

'Last Fair Deal Gone Down' pushes everything. The atmosphere, the vocals, the drumming, the melody, the lyrics... it's never ending.

They've reached their zenith.

It's my equal favourite album.
Sounds of Decay is definitely Katatonia's best release. Nowhere is such an amazing song. The best full length album is probably Last Fair Deal. And i think that tonights decision does sound like the cure, but discourged ones does even more so. But the cure were a damn good band, so that is not a bad thing at all