Whats your favorite genre of metal and why?

Forest metal is metal music that mainly concerns about nature and wildlife. It's varied seasons and the array of emotions they entice. It also promotes going back into ancient ways instead of going along with the evolution of industrial and urban living. Most prominent among the forest metal scene would probably be the Norwegian second-wave black metal band Ulver (meaning something like wolfkin), who used forest imagery and themes extensively. They dedicated an entire album, entitled Madrigal Of The Night, to werewolves. The band Opeth also contains elements of forest metal (Morningrise)

Other mention:
drudkh - autumn aurora (nothing else)
Tie between black (Burzum, Darkspace, Aborym, early Dimmu Borgir, ...and Oceans, Ulver, Summoning, etc.) and prog (Dream Theater, Voivod, Devin Townsend, etc.)

I like black metal for the... Well, I just like the basic sound of it. I like prog because I appreciate complex music.
I like deathmetal most which includes brutal/slam, but I also like black and some bands of trash metal.

EDIT: And fucking doom for fuck sake!
My favorite genres tend to be ones which transport my imagination to realms of spiritual refreshment.

hahaha i'm so gonna kick your ass. btw the actual quote was 'taking the imagination into a bombastic, beautiful journey of emotion and spiritual refreshment' which is way gayer

my answer is death metal because its disinterested primitive chaotic apocalyptic power caters completely for my love of deconstruction and humbling natural phenomena. or just 'cause it rules, whatever.
Black metal is probably my favorite genre, although I do like my share of DM, melodeath, and thrash.
Jeez, I really can honestly say that I don't have a favorite metal genre. I haven't spent THAT much time listening to metal recently like a lot of people here, but I have a pretty large death/black/thrash/power collection & a chunky bit of melodeath/folk metal.

One genre I would probably wind up liking best is textbook progreesive metal (not progressive death or progressive viking, I've heard enough of that at the moment), but my collection of progressive metal is "somewhat" small compared to all the other stuff I have. I just never made it around to all that many good prog metal bands, & a lot of the stuff people have tried to turn me onto in the genre is not very good (Pain of Salvation) or not very metal (Porcupine Tree, Ayreon). If anyone can be bothered for 2-3 good prog metal recs, hats off to you. I need a couple of hard hitters that will blow my mind, but I can't be bothered to check out 50 bands because that would mean putting Tori Amos on hold.
I don't have a favorite gerne. But it seems I listen to death metal the most, followed by black metal and extreme doom. I like traditional metal too, but I don't listen to it as much as the extreme genres. I can definitely say that metal as a whole is my favorite genre, because I don't reallty listen to anything else.
Close call between Death Metal and Heavy Metal for me.
Favorites in Death Metal:
Morbid Angel
Immolation(early stuff)
Theory In Practice

Heavy Metal:
Iced Earth
Mercyful Fate
Diamond Head(i challenge you to find a bigger fan)
Black Sabbath

Oh yeah reason. Death metal because it challenges my mind in an unorthodox way,really good death metal is the kind that opens up another dimension and gives me a mindfuck, like it's unnatural for Tellus.
Heavy metal because i guess it's always been with me, first kind of metal i heard. There's something naive about the genre which is extremely charming.
Enslaved, Spite Extreme Wing, Thyestean Feast, Windir, Blut Aus Nord, Endstille, Dark Fortress, Ulver, Peste Noir, Primordial, Negura Bunget, Dissection, Emperor, Darkthrone, Nachtmystium, Britney Spears, Cirith Gorgor, Nyktalgia, Krohm, Limbonic Art, Nidingr, Taake, Forgotten Tomb, Old Wainds, Zyklon, Akercocke, Ved Buens Ende, Ne Obliviscaris, Svafnir, Ragnarok, Slechtvalk, blablabla.

Guess the genre.
In terms of metal listen to Death Metal the most than goth rock/metal and than regular doom and doom/death.
Enslaved, Spite Extreme Wing, Thyestean Feast, Windir, Blut Aus Nord, Endstille, Dark Fortress, Ulver, Peste Noir, Primordial, Negura Bunget, Dissection, Emperor, Darkthrone, Nachtmystium, Britney Spears, Cirith Gorgor, Limbonic Art, Nidingr, Taake, Forgotten Tomb, Old Wainds, Zyklon, Akercocke, Ved Buens Ende, Ne Obliviscaris, Svafnir, Ragnarok, Slechtvalk, blablabla.

Guess the genre.

Cock rock.

I also see what you did there.
Enslaved, Spite Extreme Wing, Thyestean Feast, Windir, Blut Aus Nord, Endstille, Dark Fortress, Ulver, Peste Noir, Primordial, Negura Bunget, Dissection, Emperor, Darkthrone, Nachtmystium, Britney Spears, Cirith Gorgor, Nyktalgia, Krohm, Limbonic Art, Nidingr, Taake, Forgotten Tomb, Old Wainds, Zyklon, Akercocke, Ved Buens Ende, Ne Obliviscaris, Svafnir, Ragnarok, Slechtvalk, blablabla.

Guess the genre.

melodic black metal + raw black metal, easy.