When Are You Getting In/What Flight are you on?

Haha 3 big men, the slender man and tiny sabe will be already crammed into a PT Bruiser for the trek. We have space on the roof?

Lol I'm highly considering taxi service wed/thurs

Dude I could tell you the story of how I layed across the lap of 4 people in Manda's car, head out one window, feet out the other, rocking out to Dragonforce when we rolled up to the Artmore. IDGAF.
Dude I could tell you the story of how I layed across the lap of 4 people in Manda's car, head out one window, feet out the other, rocking out to Dragonforce when we rolled up to the Artmore. IDGAF.

Lololol I'll give you a call after we check in, may be a checkered van this night.
Wednesday leaving Albuquerque bright and early at 6:15AM, direct Delta flight so we are in at 11:20AM. We will take the MARTA to the venue and get the Nightwish tickets for both nights, find some lunch, hit the hotel (Marriott Courtyard Midtown) and get ready for the awesome.
Wife and I are getting to Atlanta on Thursday evening, it is going to be a bit tight getting to the hotel and venue for Kamelot. But that is part of the adventure. We have a long layover on a connecting flight, so we might try to squeeze onto an earlier flight.
Wednesday leaving Albuquerque bright and early at 6:15AM, direct Delta flight so we are in at 11:20AM.

Smart. I decided this year, that next year, I am going to seriously consider paying the extra cost between American and Delta and go for the direct flight from now on. I leave here at 6 am and have to stop in Dallas for a 1:15 Atl arrival.
Speaking of San Jose, wtf is the deal with there being exactly zero nonstop flights from SJC->ATL, on any airline, this year?


I really have no idea. I'm sure I could've landed something from SFO, but that's just a little too far out of the way, and since SJS is on Michael's way to work, it's SUPER convenient. I'm just annoyed at how long it's going to take to get there.
Arriving around 4:15 tomorrow via Delta, will be at the Artmore at some point on Wednesday to check in. Might need to bribe someone into taking me on a food/beverage run... Can't wait to see everyone!!! :kickass: