When Are You Getting In/What Flight are you on?

Originally I am flying in from Denver on Delta arriving some time around 4 or 5 on Wed. Taking the MARTA to Meliã(I know that I will walk "home" on Friday and Sat. - 2 subways stations)

But I maybe moving my flight to Thurday afternoon and miss both nightwish concerts. I am experiencing TOOTH issues and there is a 99% possibility that I have to extract it. Hope I can attent PPUSA!!!

Well - since you seem pretty sure you are gonna have to lsoe the tooth - I'd say go ahead and have it pulled or knocked out of you on Monday/Tuesday so you can fly on Wednesday :):rock:
Arriving Wednesday at 3:59 PM on US Airways from PHX...planning to take the MARTA to the Residence.
Leaving (driving) via Magnum SRT8 at 5AM Thursday. Hope to arrive at the Residence by 3PM, get down to the venue to pick up gold badge, will call for Kamelot, and then back up to the room to get "settled" before the all too brief Kamelot set. Hopefully someone will want to come and join me!
I'll be on the look out for you guys....I get in at 1:15 on American. :)
Oops, I was wrong. We arrive at 2:15, not one. See ya at the Artmore!

Edit: Double oops, Delta just called and the flight was "delayed" two hours. See you 'round 4:30 I guess.
Thursday after from Lost Angeles on Delta. Not sure if that bodes well for me to make it to the NW/K show that night (I'm sure it does) but in the event something mysterious and unpredictable happens (ie: I'm on time!), I'll be happier than Dick Cheney in a Burger Factory.