When will COB release another album?

War_Blade said:
an attenion whore? wtf are you talking about? your fucking gay metallica fanboy, you have no room to talk. All i did was say what i thought. I hardly consider two posts trying to be an attention whore.
you aren't trying, it just fucking happens.

Yeah I like early metallica, im an 83-86 metallica "fanboy". Guess what, im also a COB Fanboy, and a RUSH fanboy. I but my name as Cliff Burton because I think he was a cool person, and a wicked bass palyer/song writer.

I go to a COB forum because chances are there are people here who like the same music as me. Thats the point of it being a COB forum. If it where a gay buttsex forum im sure you're thoughts would be welcome.

You dont like AYDY, we get it, alot of people dont. Get fucking over it. Listen to somthing else, or make somthing better. No one is making you listen to it, and no one cares if you dislike it.
CliffBurton said:
you aren't trying, it just fucking happens.

Yeah I like early metallica, im an 83-86 metallica "fanboy". Guess what, im also a COB Fanboy, and a RUSH fanboy. I but my name as Cliff Burton because I think he was a cool person, and a wicked bass palyer/song writer.

I go to a COB forum because chances are there are people here who like the same music as me. Thats the point of it being a COB forum. If it where a gay buttsex forum im sure you're thoughts would be welcome.

You dont like AYDY, we get it, alot of people dont. Get fucking over it. Listen to somthing else, or make somthing better. No one is making you listen to it, and no one cares if you dislike it.

jesus chirst, get the fuck off that butt plug.
CliffBurton said:
All this "Alexi needsto do this" shit is irritating. The guy is going to write what he wants, so deal with it. If no one buys it then its his problem. Most people write music for themselves, they don't change their music to make sure others will like it (aka Selling Out). Telling him how to write his music so the old fans will like it is just as much of a sellout as changing directions to make more money.

I agree with this.
Feel_The_Force said:
Alexi needs to stop drinking and smoking so much and acting all 'wow look at me i'm a rock star because i'm wasted 24/7' because this is affecting his skills on guitar as we have seen, also he is so wasted he never gives a shit about anything which could conclude why the last album was so shitty.
Stop touring, stop being a dick, go away for like 2 years or something and sort it out.

I agree with this. I just read an interview that was done after a recent concert and it just seemed that Alexi had the whole "I'm a fuckin' rockstar" attitude. He tried to blame fans of whining so much, which in my opinion is very unprofessional, and he just tended to act like he had no time in his "busy" schedule to do a quick interview. The other band members seemed to care at least a little bit but Alexi just seemed like a total rockstar fever ass. He is starting to lose all my respect even though I liked AYDY somewhat. I just say let him make his real fans angry and have his superstardom for his 15 minutes and when its all over he won't even have his most loyal fans who have been there for him since the beginning anymore.
^ thats fucking true...

he lost my respect about 2 weeks after i bought AYGY
symphonyXjapan said:
I agree with this. I just read an interview that was done after a recent concert and it just seemed that Alexi had the whole "I'm a fuckin' rockstar" attitude. He tried to blame fans of whining so much, which in my opinion is very unprofessional, and he just tended to act like he had no time in his "busy" schedule to do a quick interview. The other band members seemed to care at least a little bit but Alexi just seemed like a total rockstar fever ass. He is starting to lose all my respect even though I liked AYDY somewhat. I just say let him make his real fans angry and have his superstardom for his 15 minutes and when its all over he won't even have his most loyal fans who have been there for him since the beginning anymore.

That's fucking bullshit. 95% of all interviewers only want to talk to Alexi. Most of them don't even know the names of the other band members. That's because interviews with Alexi are read by the majority of people.

Isn't it understandable when Alexi is annoyed by the same questions over and over again? And so far he did every interview and answered every question. Being a rockstar is different. Rockstars cancel interviews, don't show up, insult the interviewers or just leave when they are too annoyed.

I read interviews with Alexi where he laughed at "internet badasses" who said CoB sold out with Are You Dead Yet and Britney Spears covers. What else should he do? Getting angry because of some young internet nerds? He definitely won't change CoB's music wjem he reads 10 comments of disappointed fans in the internet. Sure, these people can continue whining that they don't like the band anymore and say that they should get "back to their roots" but they won't change a shit with that.
Slayeah said:
That's fucking bullshit. 95% of all interviewers only want to talk to Alexi. Most of them don't even know the names of the other band members. That's because interviews with Alexi are read by the majority of people.

Isn't it understandable when Alexi is annoyed by the same questions over and over again? And so far he did every interview and answered every question. Being a rockstar is different. Rockstars cancel interviews, don't show up, insult the interviewers or just leave when they are too annoyed.

I read interviews with Alexi where he laughed at "internet badasses" who said CoB sold out with Are You Dead Yet and Britney Spears covers. What else should he do? Getting angry because of some young internet nerds? He definitely won't change CoB's music wjem he reads 10 comments of disappointed fans in the internet. Sure, these people can continue whining that they don't like the band anymore and say that they should get "back to their roots" but they won't change a shit with that.


For one, he wasn't "laughing" at "internet badasses", he was bitching and cursing and whining all about them criticising him. I understand you can get angry over that kind of thing but he should be more professional and not show his true assitude over stupid internet nerds. He is the one getting so whiney about them so if he doesn't care what they think then he shouldn't let it bother him.
Secondly, that exact interview was where he seemed to be too busy getting ready to go get wasted to be curtious to the interviewer. I know interviews may get a little annoying, but, every fucking band that is somewhat known deals with them too but they are professional and act curtious and appreciative for the interview, whether they were really annoyed in doing it or not.
symphonyXjapan said:

For one, he wasn't "laughing" at "internet badasses", he was bitching and cursing and whining all about them criticising him. I understand you can get angry over that kind of thing but he should be more professional and not show his true assitude over stupid internet nerds. He is the one getting so whiney about them so if he doesn't care what they think then he shouldn't let it bother him.
Secondly, that exact interview was where he seemed to be too busy getting ready to go get wasted to be curtious to the interviewer. I know interviews may get a little annoying, but, every fucking band that is somewhat known deals with them too but they are professional and act curtious and appreciative for the interview, whether they were really annoyed in doing it or not.

Ok, I didnt read that particular interview but can you post a link to it? I can understand that he gets upset about criticism going on here which is not fair. Was it criticism on Are you dead yet? There was too much crap written about this album on this board. He worked hard on this album as on every other album and it's his right to comment on those comments. But I don't think that bitching and cursing are the right words to describe what he said. I read an interview where he said that everybody has the right to say that he does not like the new album and he is ok with it. So he is cool and relaxed about reasonable criticism. And the words whining and Alexi don't make sense in the same sentence.