When will COB release another album?

i read a different interview where he says the ones who doesnt like the new album can fuck off. true fans will stay forever with them and dont whine just because of the music change.
and sth like that on a different interview: "ppl cant stand a music change. just because its different, they say its shit. ppl get a grip and stop bitching around."

thats the true alexi
now thats pathetic
youre right

maybe i have to add, if i go to wacken, i'll be some kind of staff the the band camp.
i still listen to their old stuff. but fan? whats that?
Feel_The_Force said:
Alexi needs to stop drinking and smoking so much and acting all 'wow look at me i'm a rock star because i'm wasted 24/7' because this is affecting his skills on guitar as we have seen, also he is so wasted he never gives a shit about anything which could conclude why the last album was so shitty.
Stop touring, stop being a dick, go away for like 2 years or something and sort it out.

that was stupid, have you heard his new solos, the solo from We're not gonna fall is insane.....so is trashed lost and stungout. man at least listen to it
Is there a new album set in stone, or are you still just throwing around the idea?
"I think we should do the studio thing like in the beginning of summer, so it should be out then by fall next year." - Henkka
rainbow stomplits said:
if they do another power chord taco salad shit album like aydy then i'm not buying it

your business!!

and I don't either think alexi is acting like a rockstar... now, I didn't read that precise interview, but I read the "bitching about the internet boys" one... it's reknown that he hates internet and everything it has to do with it, s, and he doesn't exactly talk as prince charles... so it would sound strange if he said what he said in another way! and no ona can say that everyone on this board is nice cute and cuddly... averyone should do what he likes though...
and also, he has all the right to say that those who don't like the album could easily fuck off, since most of them are just bitching about him, the album and everything... and all the "he should stop drink, he should do this and that and that" sound such a mommy thing to me... let him do what he wants, he is of age, for fuck sake!!! if u don't like the new stuff, just don't buy it! and also, if all of them dislike somehow the old stuff, let them do new stuff, cause if they try to do hatebreeder two without liking it anymore, well, I guess THAT would really be a shitty album...:erk:
well, that IS quite different... suicide and drinking a lot it's not exactly the same thingg is it? but that's his private life.... so....

and after all he does not drink that much, I know people who drink a lott more then him... I don't think his liver will explode in the immediate future, I mean!!

any way this is exactly what I meant with the mommy thing... he is a grown man (ok, maybe not THAT grown XD), let him live!!!
§killer_angel§ said:
and after all he does not drink that much, I know people who drink a lott more then him... I don't think his liver will explode in the immediate future, I mean!!

lol yeah. As long as he doesn drink as much as Duff McKagen, he'll be fine.