When you're feeling down...

Mort Divine

Shrine Maiden of the In-Crowd
Oct 28, 2005
Fargo, ND
What do you do to help yourself get out of the dumps? How do you cure yourself of the blues? etc.

When I'm feeling down I'll put in dredg's Catch Without Arms or Rilo Kiley's The Execution of All Things, read The Perks of Being a Wallflower (fuck off), and then watch me some Scrubs. This routine pretty much makes me feel pretty fucking good no matter how shitty I'm feeling.
I'm not bein' emo now, I'm fairly happy as things stand. I was just interested in finding out how people here got out of the dumps.
LOL, I was just kidding

I usually listen to some dark and depressive shit. Burzum, vinterland, rotting christ and pretty much any good black metal. Also post on here. Hit the gym to get out the frustration. Get some good food, call up one of my buds, etc...
I'm not bein' emo now, I'm fairly happy as things stand. I was just interested in finding out how people here got out of the dumps.

I will enjoy a nice glass of something, and then listen to some music. I feel like it's best to explore feelings rather than try to cover them up and make them go away. Alcohol just enhances the mood you're in, whether good or bad. Genevieve is one of my favorite albums when I'm feeling despondent. I like to sink so far that sadness just gets replaced with agitation and anger. Than the anger subsides into indifference, which warps into sadness again. I pretty much move through these three modes all the time.
I tend to listen to death metal. It really brings me right out of it, albeit slowly, especially if its got some strong lyrics I can immediately relate to. Other music works too, but its hit and miss... still the first thing I go to first.

Playing or watching something hilarious (Robot Chicken), or violently satisfying (WoW pvp) helps greatly too.

Finally, alcohol... particularly wine, is an incredible solution...
I listen to metal(the ultimate cure :D) I also eat chocolate, ice cream and stay the hell away from coffee. Watching a funny sitcom sometimes helps. Cartoons as well.:p
Alcohol / Reading / Ambient Music or Running (nearly typed rimming by accident there :erk:) to which I usually listen to hardcore/grind.
I am always in the dumps, and there is no cure. I can only separate myself from this shitty society as much as possible. I'd say writing music and books is what keeps me focused on finding meaning; but while solitude has many good points, it is not a natural human state; but then, nothing people do is natural anymore.