When you're feeling down...

I am always in the dumps, and there is no cure. I can only separate myself from this shitty society as much as possible. I'd say writing music and books is what keeps me focused on finding meaning; but while solitude has many good points, it is not a natural human state; but then, nothing people do is natural anymore.

I dislike society so it's not easy for me. I just conform now in all ways possible to make it easier. A lot of people are in the dumps and it's more of who makes it more obvious.
Just getting out and doing some form of exercise is the best way of perking yourself up. If I feel shitty I take the dog down to the beach for a walk and listen to some choice music. These are some of my guaranteed pick me-ups...

Pagan Altar - The Witches Pathway
Pentagram - Much Too Young To Know, Livin' In A Ram's Head
Grand Magus - Black Hole
Judas Priest - Devil's Child
Manilla Road - Divine Victim, Feeling Free Again
Motorhead - Limb From Limb

or thrash works pretty well - Sabbat, Kreator, Dark Angel, Exodus, Sadus etc etc.
When you're feeling down... Mrs Brown. Monty Python ftw.

Um, I just listen to Skinless - Trample The Weak, Hurdle The Dead
Or maybe some Vader.
Death_Delirium: I can somewhat relate to that. Maybe it's because the country I live in has some of the shittiest people you can imagine. Irresponsible, manipulative, greedy, deceitful, ignorant,impatient, intolerant and hateful. All that and more.It seems like all the bad traits that a person can possess, have been manifested in these people.
Whenever someone speaks ill of Jews I always think to myself: they must've lived/been in/to Israel. You don't know how bad people can be until you've lived here.

This is probably partially because of the climate because it's really unbearable and brings out the worst in people. If anywhere the expression Hell on Earth can be found applicable, this is where it would be most apt.
It's like there's a huge accumulation of negative energy that emanates from everyone and everything here. God, I can't believe how this so-called Holy Land has become so cursed and fucked beyond belief.

I wish I were overstating. This is truly a terrible place to live.
Conclusion: do never come here. We can't stand anyone. People can't even stand their own ilk.
Sorry for my random rant, guys. I just had to let it out.
When I'm feeling like shit (which is pretty often) I just listen to some gloomy and depressing metal, and it makes me feel a bit better. Strange, I know. But depressing music helps me feel better, and happy upbeat music just makes me more depressed and pisses me off.
stay the hell away from coffee. .:p

I wish I did:)

I drank 12 beers yesterday into the night and still have not/can't sleep. Besides this and my job and mentally/psychically exausted and still can't sleep and had thursday and today off and still have not sleept and have to go back in tomorrow until having thursday off and maybe friday. Nothing is worse than feeling mentally and psychically ill and not even being able to crash and just feeling it. I have no sleeping pills and regardless they actually do nothing.
when i'm "down" i usually become anti social. if i have to talk, i speak very softly. and i listen to alot of doom. i dont really do anything to get myself out. i eventually feel better, after a day or 2
Hey all you emos out there, you should try listening to happier music and doing happy things while being down, it MIGHT cheer you up just a bit, resulting in less self pity. For a second there I thought I had accidentally spawned to the My Chemical Romance forum.