Where else does Alexi play?

Alexi is my fav guitarist. It is mainly becasue his stuff is what I enjoy listening to the most, not becasue he is the fastest/best guitarist there ever was. Lately I have been getting into Symphony X and Michael Romeo who I would consider a better more experienced guitarist that Alexi...
Originally posted by Slipknot_isn't_metal
As far as i know he's also in Norther......not sure tho.
Nah, he and Ale just featured on one of the tracks. Pretty sure its the cover song on the single.
Think some of you begin to forget about Jason Becker
He were a exellent guitarist, better than Alexi at his age...
But for sure Alexi is my favorite - his guitariste playing on the chord and his melody - the emotion in his scream and music are so nice... well .... u see ?
Originally posted by OceanbarD

as well as Chuck Shuldiner

Chuck wote excellent riffs and songs (easily one of my favorite songwriters ever), but his solos weren't extremely technical when compared to guys like Alexi, Michael Romeo, Steve Vai, etc.

RIP Chuck.
Originally posted by OzzOzbourne
Tolkki said once that he can't play solos of FTR album :) And he said that Alexi is very good guitarist etc. Anyway he said him self that he can't play those solos ;)

Tolkki did like many "old" guitarist and got stuck to a technical point (malmsteen plays the same solo since 20 years , best exemple) as far as Laiho (without any typo this time) is concern
hes getting better and better (the kissing the shadow solo is
awesome) and its pretty sure he will keep on improve. Chuck Shuldiner solos on symbolic are definetly something.