Where would you travel?

Only in Norway? I'd go to.. uh.. Trondheim, I guess. I know someone who lives there and I heard it's a pretty nifty place.

Other than Norway.. right now, to Toronto. There's someone there who I'd like to see very much. Long-term plans would be to live in York, England for some time.
well im going Greece with all my friends, but thats in March, and after that im going on a murder mistery weekend, 3 days for £80, how am i affording all this, well i suppose i didnt go on holiday anywhere this year. :D
Alright here are my places:

A) Scandinavia - Norway, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Fareo Islands, Kola Penninusula (Russia).

B) Northern Europe - Germany, Poland, the Baltic countries.

C) Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Shetland Islands, Orkney Islands, Southern England.

D) The Mediterranean - Spain, Southern France, Italy, Sardinia, Sicily, Corsica, Croatia, Albania, Greece, Crete, Cyprus, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Egypt, Lybia, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco.

E) Siberia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Northwest China (Turkmenia), Tibet, India.
I have this fascination with moving to Svalbard. Anyone Norwegians been there (or anyone else?). I know nothing about it, but It's right where I want to go. I am definitely travelling there some time to check out the areas.
I've been to Svalbard and lived in the very north of Norway (Tromsø.) Svalbard is really cold and desolate really. I couldn't imagine living there, so far away from the rest of civilisation.
The north of Norway is a bit similar, even though it's less hostile due to the Gulf Stream (or whatever it's called in English.) I preferred it because there's actual vegetation there beyond moss and bracken, and because it's beautiful in winter with Aurora Borealis and all.
I think I'd like to see more of Norway...
Get closer to the nature >:eek:P

Other than that; Italy, to look at all the
beautiful buildings....
Then Egypt to check out the pyramids! :eek:)
California to visit Wolff, hehe... >:eek:P
Originally posted by Blackspirit
I think I'd like to see more of Norway...
Get closer to the nature >:eek:P

Other than that; Italy, to look at all the
beautiful buildings....
Then Egypt to check out the pyramids! :eek:)
California to visit Wolff, hehe... >:eek:P

I want see all fiords of Norway...It's my dream
Scandinavia, Tokyo, England, France, Romania, Iceland, All around the Mediterranean area, West United States, Italy.........Just about anywhere and everywhere, really...well except for the anywhere around the Persian Gulf right now:lol:
I really want to see just about all of Scandinavia, but most especially Norway. I'd like also to see the far northeastern states of the U.S., since that's the only place in the U.S. I've never been to. Other places include just about all of Canada, Scotland, and Ireland.
For a while I have been interested in going to New Orleans, USA. Can any of you Americans tell me whether I am nuts?

My list of countries that I wish to, and hopefully shall see is long, as I have been too few places by now.
Afghanistan,... id like to visit this muslim land of blood soaked soil and fundamentalist breeding ground, then destroy it.
I'd like to go to Japan.
Dont ask me why but of some strange reason im interested in their culture..

Oh, and of course!
Visit Draculas castle in Romania, Transylvania