Where would you travel?

Originally posted by NoraNeko
Oh, and of course!
Visit Draculas castle in Romania, Transylvania
I have actually done this! Turns out to not be very exciting -- like, it's not really his castle. I forget the story, but it was a let-down. And then you get mauled to death by all the gypsies wanting food and money. :rolleyes:

Originally posted by Hannu Mutanen
For a while I have been interested in going to New Orleans, USA. Can any of you Americans tell me whether I am nuts?
Yes, you're nuts. I've never actually been, but friends who have say it's REALLY dirty and poor except for Bourbon Street -- which is also dirty, but supposedly fun.

I'm lucky enough to have visited Norway. So beautiful! My family and I went everywhere, except far north. All over Telemark, Oslo, Bergen, Trondheim, Alesund, Hell (actual city!), Bodo -- I've seen more of Norway than my Norwegian cousins. :loco: If you don't mind being a big tourist, there's this awesome train/bus/boat tour up the coast past the fjords and waterfalls and through the mountains. The scenery is like out of a movie.
Originally posted by Lina
I have actually done this! Turns out to not be very exciting -- like, it's not really his castle. I forget the story, but it was a let-down. And then you get mauled to death by all the gypsies wanting food and money. :rolleyes:

Oh well, Japan will have to do :)
you people suck dick you know where i'd like to go somewhere where acceptance and political correctness does not exist and preferably somewhere very far away from you poofters now shut up and FUCK OFF in the immortal words of Phil Anselmo be yourself by yourself stay away from me:mad:
as for JApan we won the war those cunts tried to bomb my country and my great grandfather suffered in fuckin changi cause of those fuckin disgusting nip cunts:D
as for OYO you know what that word means in spanish in australia thats situated between the cheeks of tchour culo moderfucker say allo to my lddle frenn
Originally posted by NoraNeko
I'd like to go to Japan.
Dont ask me why but of some strange reason im interested in their culture..

Oh, and of course!
Visit Draculas castle in Romania, Transylvania

Me too!!! I saw a documentary on the discovery channel, and it was a close to a dreamland you could possibly see, at least in the coutrysides, and along the carpathians. Dracula or not, it's a beautiful place!
Originally posted by Hannu Mutanen
For a while I have been interested in going to New Orleans, USA. Can any of you Americans tell me whether I am nuts?

haha i dont think so! i was there for a week during new years in '98, and had a great time. great food, great people (sometimes! i mean, it is a dangerous place)....and ohhhhhh the music! so many jazz and blues clubs, and musicians just busking everywhere!! ....AH. and the graveyards! and my first kiss! haha! :p
yes its dirty as hell. but ive yet to go to a big city thats really clean! the place really has a creepy atmosphere.

i want to travel to so many places...in the usa i want to go to-new york city, montana...and to california to the redwood forests and to big sur, las vegas (for my elvis wedding of course!), hawaii and alaska...i want to go to south america to the rain forests while we still have em :rolleyes: . i want to go to canada, but i dont know specifically where in canada...
i went to london once, and i want to go back for sure! i want to visit africa to see and photograph the animals. and to visit egypt, italy, germany, australia, and yes of course to lots of places in scandanavia! i really want to go to this place in sweden called ratån (i think thats where the little å goes :p ). a friend in sweden took a photograph there that is soooo beautiful...i want to see it in person. i think overall i want to visit places with lots of nature and beautiful landscapes and places with great art and architecture. damn. i better stop buying so many cds and start saving for all this travelling! :lol:
I wanna travel to Sweden,Norway and Iceland (I wanna visit everything in these 3 countries;) )I will visit Sweden or Norway this summer (if everything goes well)
I also want to visit Denmark...
I've been in Germany and I would like to travel more there...and probably this will happen with not many difficulties,since I can speak good(?) german and it will be easy to travel there alone..I don't like group travelling..
Cyprus is a cool country.My mum comes from there :) I've been there and I had a wonderful time....nice food,wonderful landscapes,nice people...

Originally posted by _Transparent_
well im going Greece with all my friends, but thats in March, and after that im going on a murder mistery weekend, 3 days for £80, how am i affording all this, well i suppose i didnt go on holiday anywhere this year.

Originally posted by ante
I´m going to the olympics 2004 in athens :D

Wow!! two famous guys will invade my country soon ;)
_Transparent_ have you decided which part of Greece you will visit?
man, you seem to speak quite a lot of different languages... where did you learn all those?
where exactly have you been to in germany? i have to confess that even i don't know much places there. from time to time i travel through to get to italy... i should consider doing a trip trough the country. alas, i've never been to the oktoberfest in munich, what a shame! i've never been to berlin, the 'new' capital... surely this land has more to offer than what i can see from my window :D
Ever since I stood on top of The Lookout Trail in Golden Colorado and looked out over the plains for so many miles...that's what I want to see. I want to see the world from way up high. I want to see what most people don't think about.

::random babble:: Last night I was thinking of the way you brain sort of overloads for a brief moment when you see more information than usual. Like, say you where in space and you look down at the earth and see continents and you know what’s on the continent and how much of it and all that and you're actually looking at all of it at once and your head sort of freaks out for a second and then accepts it and....OK. Enough.

I want to go to Sweden. :) Norway. Alaska. Then after that...I'd like to see the entire Northern hemisphere with my own eyes. I want to see Kenya. AUSTRAILIA, I'm still thinking of moving there someday. They seem uninvolved in so many bullshit worldly events. I'm sure it's only a matter of time...but the oceans again! The work with you and against you. :rolleyes:

OK. This post is going nowhere fast.

One more thing. While I'm dreaming, I want to go to a deserted island once and stay there for about a week. Come home and see what my mind starts thinking. :err:
Wow!! two famous guys will invade my country soon ;)
_Transparent_ have you decided which part of Greece you will visit?

um, i think Delphi (the oracle thingys there) and loads of places to do with Ancient Greece, Athens and the acropalis (Sp?)

ohhh man places I want to go that I haven't been I want to go to London, and this weekend I'll be able to go. I want to go to swedan and norway, I want to see Moscow and I definatly have to go to Cairo to see the pyramids. I love to see some of the ones that aren't so crowded the less well know one that haven't been messed up by tourist. I want to go to austraila and see some kangaroo and that big rock in the middle of the desert.

I want to go to Greece, I like to go to Japan and Alaska to see some bald eagles and hopefully a 18 hours of day light. and it would be cool to see some strong northern lights with lots of reds yellows and green. I still have to travel some more in europe I have to go to Italy again so I can make it to the ferrari plant, ( I think it's in Milano). I want to see the wilderness In western canada. well I have a lot of traveling left to do and I'm not doing anyof it talking to you guys :) chat at ya later
Originally posted by VultureCulture
man, you seem to speak quite a lot of different languages... where did you learn all those?
where exactly have you been to in germany? i have to confess that even i don't know much places there. from time to time i travel through to get to italy... i should consider doing a trip trough the country. alas, i've never been to the oktoberfest in munich, what a shame! i've never been to berlin, the 'new' capital... surely this land has more to offer than what i can see from my window :D

I've only been to Hamburg and Lübeck...Both towns are awesome... While i was in hamburg I actually didn't have the idea I was in a city...everything was so nice..especially the buildings and the parks..I even liked the harbour!!! Luckily enough I was there at Christmas time so i had a great time with all this snow and the frozen rivers... :D
Lübeck is a wonderful little town...I always think there is something magic/mystic about this town... I wish i was living in such a town! :)
My trip to germany deserves many :hotjump:s!!!! I hope i'll visit germany soon again!!
Marzipan rules!!!:loco:

As for the language thing,we have many language schools here... Hmm how can I explain this...it is private schools and institutes where people just go there 2-3 times a week for some hours...they have nothing to do with the real school,it's something extra... They are very widespread here....

I have a bit of language mania :D and I wanna learn more.I can only speak 3 foreign languages (at a good level-at least people understand me when i speak!;) ) and my mothertongue of course! I'm still taking german lessons,since I want to take this Mittelstufe exam on May....
and I'll probably take a fast course in Icelandic this summer,if my programme isn't that heavy....My friends think I'm nuts! :loco:
Originally posted by _Transparent_

um, i think Delphi (the oracle thingys there) and loads of places to do with Ancient Greece, Athens and the acropalis (Sp?)


Sounds like a nice choice = )
Acropolis is a must! Great view from up there
and of course don't forget to visit the metal stores in the centre of Athens!!!
don't tell me germany is the only place where one can buy this awful squished nuts also referred to as marzipan? bäh, this stuff is totally disgusting!
but you are right with the cities behaving like a town.
your language schools seem to be something like the german volkshochschule, am i right? you have to pay a small fee per course and can learn all sorts of things, from languages to computer courses etc.
i just speak 2 foreign languages (french, english), but i hadn't much training except for the strange technical terms used at work. my french is totally buried; i can still read and understand, but writing and speaking is gone... but i've never been into languages that much :)
Auf jeden Fall viel Glück bei deiner Prüfung im Mai! ;)