Where's our shameless "I want a date" thread?

I am currently on the wagon, I do it every couple months. Party some then take a break clear the head out. Not sure if I can hang not partying at PPUSA though. So many cool people, such a great time, libation definitely adds to the heightened sense of euphoria goin on, at least it has with me at 1 and 3. PPUSA 2 I was on the crew and I think I maybe had 6 or 7 beers all weekend, that was an awesome time still, just tired as shit

Also I think people put to much on dating, I wouldn't want to date in a situation like the event at PPUSA. I wouldn't mind meeting a very cool lady or chick
and hanging out getting to know one another. Thats how I have met so very many of my great friends at PPUSA and taken friendships to a larger level. Non the less it will be a great time, I look forward to meeting and getting to know new friends as well as hanging out with my online budz. Cant wait less than a month now!!!

I drink, but never so much that I'm unable to shamble home on my own two feet. (well, other than that one incident in college, and the resulting hangover is WHY I will never drink that much again!)

Drinking enough to be tipsy and silly is fun. But I'd like to actually *remember* the silliness!
jaimek said:
Drinking enough to be tipsy and silly is fun. But I'd like to actually *remember* the silliness!
Fooey. That's why cameras were invented! :loco:

I've learned where my limit is (how much I can drink before reaching the Point of No Return on the road to undrinking) and most times I stay safely below it. Not very far, mind you, and sometimes I slip. Beer hangovers have got to be the worst EVER. I miss the days of my youth when I could drink all my friends under the table and wake up early the next morning ready to do it all over again. I must have been really annoying ;)
Aeturnia said:
Fooey. That's why cameras were invented! :loco:

You've seen how blurry my pictures are when I'm *sober*! I'm terrified I'll find more starfish pictures on it - I've lost track of how many bare asses I've seen in the Earthlink hallways.
..........because I'm 42, married with kids(14 and 5) and hardly even resemble a headbanger, but I'll be there in all my Mountain Dew fueled glory. Can't wait to see all you crazies again.

Has anyone seen my umbrella?? :tickled:

Kez said:

Has anyone seen my umbrella?? :tickled:

Wasn't it up Dubya's__________? I could have sworn that was where it was last at.

Giggle, I gotta run now, he's gonna read this and tease me mercilessly at this year's festival....