Starting Early- Lots to stort through. SHAMELESS I NEED A DATE THREAD!

Curufin said:
Yeah really, some of you guys are pussies. ;)

I'm pretty sure Metal came to the party I had on Friday night for a bit, and I ended up arguing with her about her name. Sorry about that. :)

Also, sh0kr0k is awesome.

I've already got a room at the Granada booked... and it's bigger than the one we had last year! AWESOME. I can't wait!

No Drew, YOU are awesome! Thanks for the killer party last year! I look forward to getting hammered with ya again this year! Please, make sure there are plenty of pizza boxes outside your room for the guys to play Tard Frisbee with. I never laughed so hard in my life :tickled:

Megawozniak said:
Hey sh0kr0k, did you buy a preparty ticket from me? I know you look familiar from somewhere...

Hmm.. last year I bought my pre-party ticket from some guy in Mexico. The years before that the pre-party ticket was bought by whatever guy I was seeing at the time. ... Wait, actually I think I bought the pre-party tickets for PPV, but I can't remember from where. Maybe I did get them from you! Hmm.. Sorry I don't remember exactly :cry:
sh0kr0k said:
No Drew, YOU are awesome! Thanks for the killer party last year! I look forward to getting hammered with ya again this year! Please, make sure there are plenty of pizza boxes outside your room for the guys to play Tard Frisbee with. I never laughed so hard in my life :tickled:

Never mind, I can place you now, you were definately getting hammered. :headbang:
Cabo Wabo????? WOOOOOHOOOOOO, but then again i am a Don Julio kind of guy, straight, no lime no salt, just straight. And if i start on a bottle then sh0kr0k i may need a scoop and carry.
MetalRose said:
Yes, I'll be starting early this year. ALthough it's a ways off, I will most likely be single. I *just* lost my ugly, I mean other half a few months ago. So what better time than now to start looking?

Who would like to be my date for PPVII? I promise, I'll bite. ;)


Hmmm...... I need a super partner. Do you make millions, cook, clean, take care of kids and do the physical part of sex ? If so, I volounteer. :D In fact, I think my wife would even volounteer as well.

BABS said:
Can I just say, I've been single for many a PP and the guys simply will not come up and talk to me. It's sad!!!!

I know for a fact that I've talked to you at every PP, both when I was single and when taken. I always seem to catch up to you at some point during the weekend. Whether or not I'm the sort of person anyone wants talking to them is another story, but I've never gotten a restraining order or smacked in the head with an ax or anything, so I guess that's a good sign...:Spin:

All the members of the OPP are single, with the exception of Shaye. I'm with you Bear, why bring a lunch to an all you can eat buffet?

Can't wait to wear my new shirt (thanks Shaye)
Bad Girl Tess said:
What happened to that mean "troll" guy who made fun of everyone?
He told me that he was killed in Atlanta by a fat ugly chick who had no business wearing a corset. But, he lies a lot.

Kim K said:
All the members of the OPP are single, with the exception of Shaye. I'm with you Bear, why bring a lunch to an all you can eat buffet?

Can't wait to wear my new shirt (thanks Shaye)

What does "OPP" stand for again? I seem to miss all the fun but at least I get to experience the show from backstage. ;)