Where's the Anathema board?

i feel treated badly. ive been so long on these boards and whan i have a quite long break from the internet, then Im missing all the fun :((((
coldwave said:
well, ok, posting to forums is very addictive as long as you are within certain boundaries regarding the number of the forums. I'm in too much, so I won't post too much, because my geek-o-meter would blow up.

heeheehee! Your geek-o-meter blew up about five pages back.... :)

It's ok though, I blow mine up every day... :dopey:

I have an excuse for my language AND behavior, I'm an american! Not only lacking any trace of tack but moronic in education and in the use of our language as well. Fuck Me! (and do it hard and violently, please, but just make it slow as well because I am slow ) .

Ben's a 'az Isten faszát', the lord's penis or cockchrist.

be van parázva - be afraid? hahaha! okaaaaaaay! ;D
Mariner said:
i feel treated badly. ive been so long on these boards and whan i have a quite long break from the internet, then Im missing all the fun :((((
you're not the only one - missed that too...
seems that mehdi did it again:) - banned twice that's a record:worship:
hehe, now everybody can speak hungarian here so lets not write in english any more, ok?

tökjó :D
Allan said:
Open the case and there's some meaningless chat log, symbolising (tada): Emptiness, or sth.
Meaningless? :lol: It´s the essence of the whole record... Do you remember???

He went to far the fucker !!!:erk: :ill:
"where is the anathemaforum?"

last night i dreamed that it was back online but when i woke up, it wasn't there aargh, i miss it