Where's the "I'm back from a long absence" -thread?


Doctor BenQuillity
May 7, 2001
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It's been a while. Too long a while, I might add. :cool: Will take an eternity to read all the posts since the last time I logged in (must be at least three months ago).

A long story short, I had too much to do and too little time, so I intentionally cut off some internet-activities, UM being one of them. At first it was supposed to be for just a couple of weeks, but then I ran into some trouble with my connection, had some health-problems (I'm fine now), came across some new people, had a crush on one of them, parted ways with her - and in the end just couldn't bear the thought of having to read all the hundreds of posts I had missed while gone. :loco:

So, anyone care to fill me up with all the things that have happened here since January(?). I see a new survivor is up - great! Did we ever get to finish the old one? I recall the last round was supposed to be between Punish My Heaven and Lethe, but I can't remember if I managed to make the poll before I left.

Anyways, it feels good to be here again.

hey man!

we still need to finish the old survivor, if i remember correctly. this last round / special edition will hopefully feature dancing bears and pineapples.

i really have no idea what happened since last january. i did "part ways" with someone, too, though. and we don't have the now playing box back yet. undocontrol furiously hit on every member of this board, be it male or female, until i believe he actually found somebody. people don't like to be reminded that one of our members is a published author, and we've caught the gay again a little while ago. that's probably it.
Well, we didnt finish it, nice of you to ask! :mad: :p I hope youll finish this job. The forum has gone through many different things, but Im too lazy to go into details, Ill leave that to someone else. Edit - to rahvin.

And btw. nice to see you back! :)
Good to have ye back :) !

Well, nothing really important has being going on, the only relevant thing is that DT is working on their new album now :) :headbang: :kickass: .

Also, the 1000 facts you've noticed about DT thread is almost finished.

The DT Bible is being created.

I made a thread about "How many original cds do you own?". Maybe you'd like to post in it?

I guess that's about it...
oh mään!
Teretulesmast van täne sinä Maane autsish Soomenmaan, hii-o-hoi! Kolmikertine Horuaa -huuto siule siis: houraa houraa houraa!

Backs to english (as we´re supposed to use): from what I´ve been viewing I haven´t noticed too many changes. Undocontrol has taken over the board and some shitchat-threads have died and others gone though painful births - millions be them not? But if you consider this board a typical railforest with lions and duck-hunting monkeez, the traditional meatchain-drama has probably taken it´s place (-87 idiot replaced with an another - ingen nya bloodet för oss,), but nothing too serious has been going on on the overall level. (For Muhammed´s sake, I am not referring to any of the personal dramas, to which R-person referred to. You see, I am pc-linguizeled now.)

Person-ally: I was almost going to send you email as I am quite non-loaded with real obligations rite now, but I´ve been lazy.
hello, Villian. I'm one of the newbies around. I know you as the "song-survivor-man" and I'd be glad to see the poll back. nice to see you.
Holy crap, you're alive.

Knowing you'd come back I would have held back my lyrics survivor and left the stage for your song survivor but I guess we'll have to share the spotlight now. Oh, and I am now an active yet mostly irrelevent and sometimes serious member. Good to see somebody worth a damn coming back, I mean, we are in some serious lack of discussions down here. Hell, some of the guys are so despaerate, they are now willing to start a DT bible. The cult is upon us and soon our neutral board will submit to the ensnarement of some weird sect involving pineapples and DT facts....

Shit, I got carried away. All in all, welcome back, good sir.
I thought you were gone for good.

Basically the board is in serious need of DT topics. That is all.
Naku ist krig said:
@DJ: nice to see you too.

@KultureWolt: What the fucks? Why have you made a new account?

because i changed my nick to malaclypse back in the days.