Where's the "I'm back from a long absence" -thread?

Whoa, it's good to see all you guys once again! It feels almost like "the good old times"! :p

I promise I'll try to be around as much as I can, but my free time is still very limited. I still haven't read even half of the posts made since I left last time, so I have a lot of catching up to do.

-Villain (feeling terribly nostalgic :cry: )
Hey, Villain.

I'm not back for good yet. Too much crazy around these here parts. GF defending her thesis next week, and she got a fellowship to MIT for her PhD.

So I'm currently looking at jobs, and figuring out when I'll wind up moving to Boston over the next four years.

Been so stressful I haven't had time to WoW. To give you an idea :p

Still love you all, though. :)

Another UM stalker?
I've already had at least a dozen people come up to me and tell me they know me from UltimateMetal, even when I hadn't really been on the forums for well over a year, and I had no idea who the hell they were.


Who are you?
Steve said:
Another UM stalker?
I've already had at least a dozen people come up to me and tell me they know me from UltimateMetal, even when I hadn't really been on the forums for well over a year, and I had no idea who the hell they were.

Nah, just the DT forum.

And I said I stalked you, I didn't say I know you.