Which bands are you going to see live?

Dream Theater + Symphony in rome in october, even if S-X are not confirmed yet

Rest In Sleaze Festival in Stockholm (january) featuring Crashdiet and others
The Police in Turin, Italy in october
Threshold somewhere in 2008
Dream Theater & Symphony X
Oct 13 Wembley
Nov 10 Wolverhampton

Nov 27 Wolverhampton

Anytime 07 Birmingham/Wolverhampton (you are coming?)
I don't understand what is good in the music of Symphony X.
I would prefer to see DT only.
SX are a good band, but i think that they're latest album, despite all the praise it's been getting, simply didn't cut it for me. I don't know, but all the songs (superbly well played, of cours), seemed alike to me...i missed that little spark.

ANyway, and this is for Nellinha: Skyclad are also in the near future. Something called Guadiana Fest, or whatever. It's in Castro Verde (or Castro MArim? i don't remember now)
SX are a good band, but i think that they're latest album, despite all the praise it's been getting, simply didn't cut it for me. I don't know, but all the songs (superbly well played, of cours), seemed alike to me...i missed that little spark.

I've heard only their latest album Paradise Lost. I've downloaded it from internet and...erased it at the same day.
I find nothing in this music. There is no melody, there are no emotions. Where is "progressive"? I've heard only speed-trash metal.

Maybe they played good music in the past, but now I don't want to spend my traffic to check it.
I agree...too much speed thrash metal. I liked "Twilight In Olympus" and "Odissey", the prog elements are a bit more emphatized. Their new one didn't work for me.
I'm going to see Steve Vai next Sunday at the London Hammersmith Apollo...courtesy of my dear wife who bought me the tickets as a birthday gift!

Regarding Symphony X as I said before they are very impressive musicians . However, their music does not move me at all except for the superb epic The Odyssey which captured the spirit of this classic epic magnificently. Otherwise I don't really care about SX because I never liked the way Russell Allen sings nor do I really like Micheal Romeo's guitar tone.
When you're staring at stuff like this:

for ($v=2; $v<9; $v++) LOOP1-
print("$v ");
LOOP1: for ($v=2; $v<9; $v++)
print("$v ");
LOOP1; for ($v=2; $v<9; $v++)
print("$v ");
LOOP1> for ($v=2; $v<9; $v++)
print("$v ");

all day, you do need a break no matter how dedicated you are! And what more refreshing than to visit the forums...speaking of SX I have no intention of starting any controversy but was only adding my two cents to the flow.
I'm going to see Steve Vai next Sunday at the London Hammersmith Apollo...courtesy of my dear wife who bought me the tickets as a birthday gift!

I saw him last tuesday and I tell you what a show!!!:headbang:

In case you're curious:


Hope you have a great time at the gig!
ANyway, and this is for Nellinha: Skyclad are also in the near future. Something called Guadiana Fest, or whatever. It's in Castro Verde (or Castro MArim? i don't remember now)

Just noticed this, sorry, I've been kinda distracted lately. Thanks!
Last year there was a festival in Castro Verde, maybe it's there again.