Which bands are you going to see live?

Hi, SLAVE TO THE MIND is one of the albums I like most. But the song I like most is on ONE IN A MILLION : Ancient Lies. And I hope to see them live this year - if they play somewhere. The last gig was in their hometown at a festival (RELOAD) but I had no time.

Actually, to be correct I first found out about PNC on a CD sampler from French Hard Rock Magazine (for the record it was on a CD sampler of the same magazine that I first heard Threshold with the song Freaks). The song was "Just A Dream". It's hard for me to say which is my favourite song because they have so many incredible melodies.

I've heard a lot of good things about Slave To The Mind. I will put it on my to get list. The only thing that put me off about that record is the strange album cover. Any ideas why it was done like this.
Actually, to be correct I first found out about PNC on a CD sampler from French Hard Rock Magazine (for the record it was on a CD sampler of the same magazine that I first heard Threshold with the song Freaks). The song was "Just A Dream". It's hard for me to say which is my favourite song because they have so many incredible melodies.

I've heard a lot of good things about Slave To The Mind. I will put it on my to get list. The only thing that put me off about that record is the strange album cover. Any ideas why it was done like this.

To be honest, I don´t know what the album cover is about. The first song ACCESS DENIED was the opening song for concerts even when ONE IN A MILLION and THE CHEMICAL CHAOS were in the stores. Very good album with the former bass player (he has got soooooooooooooooooooooo long fingers :lol: ) and the former keyboard player.

My problem with the lyrics is that I simply don´t understand most of the things. As you can see or read I can make myself understood but there is a lot of vocabulary missing, especially when talking about more colloquial (right word ?) English.
I guess the next one will be Amorphis sometime in september...

I'd love to see Threshold in Finland someday...
but I quess that's not gonna happen anytime soon :( Not enough Threshold fans here... :cry:
I was blown away by Kamelot this summer. It was theif first time in Finland and audience liked and band liked us too a lot. They said they'll be back. Thomas wrote their tour diary that their ears were ringing after Tampere gig :)

I would like to see Kamelot-Threshold tour... or Queensrÿche - Threshold tour... daydreaming... ;)
RUSH and Blutengel in October
Fish and maybe Amorphis (have to hear what they're like these days) in November
Dead Soul Tribe in December

and Threshold in September....! :)

Poverty's No Crime is one of the few bands I like since ages, but have never seen live before - they don't gig very often, do they? And if, mostly local shows it seems. What they need is a good support tour - and thinking about it; with Threshold they would have matched just perfectly.
Threshold in Aschaffenburg

Dream Theater & Symphony X in Frankfurt
Lazuli in Aschaffenburg

RindProg I in Rüsselsheim featuring Nemo, Sieges Even and The Flower Kings

Riverside in Rüsselsheim
On A Dark Winter's Night in Oberhausen featuring Nightwish, Tarot, Amorphis, Van Canto (An a capella metal band: www.vancanto.de )and more.

RindProg II in Rüsselsheim featuring Alias Eye and Toxic Smile

I am so glad my hometown has somehow developed into a real Progressive Rock Scene.
My problem with the lyrics is that I simply don´t understand most of the things. As you can see or read I can make myself understood but there is a lot of vocabulary missing, especially when talking about more colloquial (right word ?) English.

As with most Prog Metal bands the lyrics are quite deep and intellectual. It does take some time to make sense of what the song is about...sometimes, but in the end it is very rewarding.
Poverty's No Crime is one of the few bands I like since ages, but have never seen live before - they don't gig very often, do they? And if, mostly local shows it seems. What they need is a good support tour - and thinking about it; with Threshold they would have matched just perfectly.

You're right and it seems that because a lot of the members recently had kids, which might be one of the reasons why they might not be touring a lot. On another note I think the singer Wolker Walsemann could have a lot in common with Richard West. Just check out the lyrics on One In A Million, a lot of them have to do with flying!

Just be to PNC's website and it says that the new album Save My Soul will be released end of August!:Smokin:

Vanden Plas is coming by!
Vanden Plas is coming by!
Vanden Plas is coming by! *does silly victory dance*
I've seen Toto and Circus Maximus so far this month. Thursday i fly south in Norway to attend the Metal Heart Festival. It's an amazing line up(look away from the black metal) and it's gonna be 3 great days for a metal head.


Thursday August 16 (16.00 - 24.00) :

17.00-17.40 : Mindflow
18.00-18.45 : Sirenia
19.00-19.45 : Circus Maximus
20.30-21.45 : Blind Guardian
22.30-24.00 : Queensrÿche

Friday August 17 (10.00-16.00) :

11.00-11.40 : Falconer
12.00-12.45 : Zyklon
13.15-14.15 : Demon
14.45-16.00 : Primal Fear

Friday August 17 (18.00 - 02.00) :

18.00-18.50 : Cloudscape
19.10-20.00 : Lion's Share
20.30-21.30 : Candlemass
22.15-23.20 : U.D.O
00.30-02.00 : Therion

Saturday August 18 (10.00 - 17.00) :

11.00-11.40 : Vreid
12.00-12.40 : Seventh Wonder
13.00-13.45 : Pagan's Mind
14.05-15.00 : Freak Kitchen
15.30-17.00 : Dimmu Borgir

Saturday August 18 (18.00 - 02.00) :

18.00-18.40 : DHG
19.00-19.45 : Morgana Lefay
20.15-21.00 : Swallow the Sun
21.30-22.30 : Nevermore
23.00-24.00 : Jorn
00.30-02.00 : Testament

I actually planned to attempt Raismesfest in the North Of France early september : Glenn Hugues & Pain Of Salvation on the bill :headbang:

October 5th : Dream Theater & Symphony X in Paris
October 9th : I'll travel to London to see Rush at the Wembley Arena
by the way has anyone here planned to attempt the show ? that would be a killer opportunity to meet some fan down there ?
Threshold, It Bites @ Summerfest 2007
Dream Theater, Symphony X - November