Which cd did you just buy?

I finally bought the new Dimension Zero album "This is Hell". I had the album on MP3s for about 2 months now. "This is Hell" still totally rocks. Great album artwork, btw. ;)
Ormir said:
I ordered some of these albums in my last haul:

Obtained Enslavement - Soulblight
Odyssey - Odyssey
Nokturnal Mortum - Goat Horns
Lux Occulta - My Guardian Anger
October Tide - Grey Dawn
Soulblight .. Damn , this album is pure genius , especially the title-track and Voice From A Starless Domain . I still can't stop playing it .
Forgotten Tomb - springtime depression :rock:
Miasthenia - XVI
Ravendusk - Shadowcast
Swallow The Sun - The Morning Never Came (was a free gift)
HateSphere - Bloodred Hatred
Heres my latest haul:

Ayreon - Flight of the Migrator
Into Eternity - Dead or Dreaming
Iced Earth - Horror Show
Some 2 dollar metal compilation (it was 2 bucks)
Symphony X - V
Dream Theater - Once in a Livetime
Liquid Tension Experiment 2
Everyone knows. Freddie Mercury is the best voice ever.

He died 12 years ago but we still remember.

Deeds of Flesh - Mark of the Legion
Lock Up - Hatebreed Suffering
The Haunted - One Kill Wonder

Just recently bought these cds, and I must say, Deeds of Flesh are incredible. Hatebreed Suffering isn't a bad cd. "Slaughterous Ways" and "Detestation" were the two songs that really stood out to me. The reason I bought it was because it has the ex-At the Gates singer Tomas Lindberg and Nick Barker from Dimmu. Not a bad cd overall. One Kill Wonder for some reason didn't really grab me. I heard the song "Godpuppet" which is heavy as f*ck. Other songs that stand out to me were "Shithead" and "Downward Spiral". This album to me is a very respectable album, but it's not gonna see my cd player too much. As for Mark of the Legion, awesome album. CLEANSED BY FIRE!!!!
Delirious said:
oh, how nice. might actually be a good enough reason to get it.
I`ve seen editions without DVD aswell (for the same price), and there is some in digipak and some in jewelcase; so if you maybe get it from mailorder, make sure you´ll receive the right one ;)
fireangel said:
I`ve seen editions without DVD aswell (for the same price), and there is some in digipak and some in jewelcase; so if you maybe get it from mailorder, make sure you´ll receive the right one ;)

thanks for the warning :)
I´ve only seen the non-DVD jewelcase, I think, which is kind of pointless since I have most of their albums. but I guess I´ll run into the right version sooner or later...
sure, if you can buy from the shop, it won´t be a problem. I almost bought the digipak, because I don´t have many Amorphis-Albums, but fortunately didn´t, because later I saw the DVD-version (in jewelcase then) =) I didn´t know about its´ existence before I saw it...