Which cd did you just buy?

Tranquillian said:
I think this forum lacks a "haul" thread.
Go on and tell us which cd or music related item you just bought.

I just bought/ordered 2 cds by Mourning Beloveth, a relatively unknown doom-metal band form Ireland.

Now, I am very curious to hear what you just bought....?

May I congratulate you on such a great purchase. I recommend Primordial thought they are not a doom metal band.

A few days ago I bought Moonspell's 'The Antidote' and I think its their most brutal and probably best album yet.
Child of Time said:
(which sick minds comes up with the concept homo denim?)

heard The Kristet Utseende? I think I saw them describe themselves as "narcotic gay metal" somewhere. and they´re quite hilarious if you have an immature sense of humour, which should be the case with someone listening to turbonegro :p
Delirious said:
heard The Kristet Utseende? I think I saw them describe themselves as "narcotic gay metal" somewhere. and they´re quite hilarious if you have an immature sense of humour, which should be the case with someone listening to turbonegro :p
One sure must have humour, but immature humour? Naah...

Btw Delirious, have you heard "Traste och superstararna"? If not, download "pengar" eller "traktor" if you can find them. :Spin:
hyena: it sure is. :loco: it´s in swedish, though, so I guess it´s just some kind of not-to-exciting punk/metal for people not mastering the noble tongue of the majestic northmen... :)

child: well, depends on how you define "immature", I guess. it was just the first word that appeared in my head when I thought of their image/concept. not that it´s a bad thing... :)
no dl-possibilities whatsoever right now. time will tell...
uhm, I just realized how silly it feels writing in english to a swedish person... :err:

EDIT: oh, and if you feel like it, check out for example quinna or kairos fjollor with the aforementioned TKU. it tends to be the songs people fall for first.
I'd like to describe Turbonegro's image as "silly". That's a description good enough. Neither have I any downloading possibilities right now, but we will see if "download TKU songs" will get stuck on my inner "todo" list.

And yes, it feels really stupid writing in English when you know that the one you're addressing is talking the same language as you, but I think it would be very impolite to write in a language that only a few on this board understands. And we don't want to be impolite (like those Finnish people :grin: ), right?
I picked up a used ex of In Flames - Lunar Strain - Subterranean today, the reissue combo-kind of thing from Regain Records. I popped it in when I came home and everything was fine until "Clad in Shadows" tuned out. There was this pause and I thought; "come on, subterranean, start..."

But it would not play anything after track 10, so I popped the cd out and had a look at it. As it turns out, I've got artwork and all from the reissue from Regain, but the actual cd is the rare original from Wrong Again Records. Guess there's an original case missing its cd out there, aaaaaand if you find this, contact me and I'll exchange a tattoo for the case.

Nah, but I think I'll go back to the store where I bought it and ask if they've got the case somewhere there, or atleast the reissue-cd with subterranean so I can get that one complete.
@mp-akk: don't you think maybe they might want you to pay more for it than you already did once they find out it's a rare edition? not that i think they have a leg to stand on in asking you for more money (they chose to sell the product as something else, after all) but in the end they might not even be willing to look for the original case if they're miffed by the loss of money. do you think there might be a way of asking for the case without mentioning you've got that cd from them by mistake?
rahvin said:
@mp-akk: don't you think maybe they might want you to pay more for it than you already did once they find out it's a rare edition? not that i think they have a leg to stand on in asking you for more money (they chose to sell the product as something else, after all) but in the end they might not even be willing to look for the original case if they're miffed by the loss of money. do you think there might be a way of asking for the case without mentioning you've got that cd from them by mistake?

Well, you sure got a point there. However, I strongly doubt they've got any real idea about stuff anyway so I thought I'd tell them the story in a nice way and rather stress the fact that I thought I bought a cd that had 17 tracks and not 10. I mean, if they've got the case around somewhere and the reissue cd aswell, I think we could make a deal to buy that sort of custom version at the same price as I bought this one. I'd get off with both the Lunar Strain-album and the reissue and they wouldn't have to make yet another fuck up that's even worse since that one would have the reissue-cd in it. But it's not like I've got a receipt anyway, so I can't really proove that I bought the cd there and they can't proove they sold it to me either.

But you never know, they might have bought it in that way and never noticed that something was wrong. Since they buy used stuff, there might be someone out there who picked up Lunar Strain/Subterranean in orginal editions and thought that he didn't need the reissue version and accidently put the Lunar Strain-cd in the reissue's case.
@mp-akk: yup, that's true, they might not be able to distinguish between a rare edition and caterpillar, and you've covered most angles with the used cd theory anyway. i don't know, i'm just used to be very very careful around shopkeepers i guess. ;)
Yeah, that's wise, it's not like I'm gonna bring the cd and wave it around if you know what I mean. I feel kind of disappointed anyway, earlier, while listening to the last notes of "Clad in Shadows" I was like, "Stand ablaze, stand ablaze, woho" and all I got was a lousy ten track cd. ;)
@CoT: indeed, silly was accurate.
and of course we´ll have to let also the non-blessed take part of our words of deliberate wisdom. I just never thought of it before and my "what thoughts to actually write down"-filter tends to fuck up when I´m tired. :rolleyes: