Which cd did you just buy?

just received a bunch of promos:

pain of salvation - 12:5 (OMGOMGOMG!!! :hotjump: )
sirenia - an elixir for existence
my dying bride - songs of darkness, words of light

and some more unknown stuff...
the madder mortem is pretty good^^^^^^
just got beseech 'drama' and like it
i have on order:
mar de grises
at vance 'only human'
cadaveria 'far from conformity'
omnium gatherum 'spirits and august light'

and i await the releases of
dismember 'where ironcrosses grow'
vision bleak 'the deathship has a new captain'
winds, and winds side project age of silence
and to be recorded:
trail of tears, tristania, darkane

i'm seeing agalloch this sunday!!!!
dark tranquillity - the mind´s I vinyl
dark tranquillity - skydancer / of chaos and eternal night US reissue

about the vinyl, it says 954/1500 on the backside. anyone knows that´s a limited number of copies? it just seems strange that I found it in a "normal" cd store if that is the case.
spearofthelily666: Onmium Gatherum I find very good :)

rahvin: Kent completely, also in english? I think two records are in english, at least I haven´t found more, Isola and Hagnesta Hill - for the extreme completeness :loco: I know you meant for the language, I am just curious, tho
do you also have the b-sides collection?
@fireangel: i did my homework this time :p kent complete and unabridged: i have the b-sides collection (some of my faves are on that one), and i know about the english versions of isola and hangesta hill: i'm not that interested in buying them though, so i'll keep the mp3s i downloaded. ;) their swedish counterpart is far superior when it comes to flow of the vocals and - or so i'm told - complexity of the lyrics.
:) yeah, sure the lyrics are better in swedish (that is what Dan Swanö and JP/Charon say, too :grin: ) but for example I wanted to have the HH because Charon covered one of the songs, and they chose the english version. So ouf course needed the original first of all.
I haven´t listened yet to the "Kent" and the B-Sidor and Isola...no time.... I think my pile of not-yet-listened but must-have or "they were good offer and hard to find and on my wishlist, so buy now"- CDs is at least 50 pieces :cry:
I bought Kent's Isola (Eng) album last week. Still listening to it. :)