Which cd did you just buy?

Originally posted by Sunjammer
Just ordered:
Iron Maiden - Fear of the Dark
For goodness' sake, I hope you picked that up used. What a disappointing album that was! It had an okay opening track, and a few classic Maidenesque moments here and there, but the rest of the album was pretty much flushable. I thought that Adrian Smith's absence really showed through at this point in their career... not bashing Janick, just personal opinion.

On a brighter note, at least it wasn't as bad as The X Factor or Virtual XI.

I'm glad Maiden has returned to classic form, at least for the time being. I'm really looking forward to the new album.
In Flames - The Tokyo Showdown (Yeah, live album but wth, it was on sale, plus that the artwork is nice and Sundin-made)

Hammerfall - Glory to the Brave (Go right a head, flame me - nothing is gonna get me to feel a shamed about owning an album with Jesper Strömblad and Glenn Ljungström.) :p

The Haunted - The Haunted

Useless knowledge of today would be that I got that one, "The Haunted made me do it", "One Kill Wonder", Witchery - Symphony for the devil (Jensen only) aaaaaaand ATG - Slaughter of the Soul (Björler brothers) siiiiiigned! Had a few minutes of chatting with the guys all together plus a more in person talk with Jensen outside the signing session. Nice guys, really. :)
ok guys, you may or may not know this about me, but i dont like most bands. i like about 6 bands. so the fact that i am recommending a new cd is like a ReallyBigDeal.

i just got Perfection in Pain by Corporation 187 (earache). my first reaction was "hey! they sound like At the Gates, and that looks like Nik Sundin art." well, needless to say, they arent at the gates, but it is Sundin art. anyway, this band is pretty brutal but with seriously cool, tight riffs and harmonies (yea, harmonic brutal parts!!!).

They are definitely worthy of my very important Post 666. you should all listen to this band. i want them to be successful and play the U.S.
:eek: Where did you get the album? I have some mp3's of Corporation 187 that I've downloaded, and they're excellent, but I can't find them at The End, or locally. :(
Originally posted by COnsiderateApathy
For goodness' sake, I hope you picked that up used. What a disappointing album that was!

Well, it wasn't a used copy. It was on sale (ie cheap). My opinion is that it's a good album, but that's just me. Everyone's entitled to their own opinion of course. :)