Which cd did you just buy?

I got that in early January, after being handpicked by Dan Swanö to receive a copy. [/brag]

Heh, I almost bought Lost Tales by Summoning today, but I arrived at the shop 5 minutes after it closed.
The Grand Wazoo said:
Sombre Romantic by Virgin Black. Couldn't order it online anywhere.. but ha! The last copy in teh shop.. Hehehe.. Gooood. :grin:

Thats a damn cool CD, hope the new one comes out soon :rock:

NP: Satyricon - Nemesis Divina - The Dawn Of A New Age
Just got home from buying these:
Beyond Twilight - The Devil's Hall of Fame
Destruction - The Antichrist
Hypnosia - Extreme Hatred
Kreator - Extreme Aggression
Scanner - Hypertrace
Skyclad - Irrational Anthems
W.A.S.P. - The Crimson Idol (2CD edition)

NP: The Crimson Idol
Some weeks ago I bought The Haunted - One Kill Wonder (This one, and Arcturus - The Sham Mirrors, helped me during my 3 weeks in the forest in the swedish military service :)
This week did I buy:
Vintersorg - Ödemarkens Son
Thyrfing - Vansinnesvisor

My next planned buy are the new one from Evergrey, called Recreation Day.
I recently won Haggard - And Thou Shalt Trust... The Seer in an auction for quite a cheap price. Interesting stuff - I would have expected something more Therion-like, but I might actually like this calmer approach more.

Well, this was the day before, but still:
Borknagar - Borknagar
Borknagar - Empiricism
Legenda - Eclipse
Legenda - Autumnal
Eternal Tears Of Sorrow - Vilda Mannu
Katatonia - Viva Emptiness
103€+6€ for postage

Also will order next week from RA:
RA - Sinnocence
Illegal Operation - Digital Hero
15€ with postage

NP: Agathodaimon - Blacken The Angel - Near Dark
Ormir said:
@Salmis: You can already buy Viva Emptiness? :eek:

Swamp has it on their list, it's out on the 21nd, according to the site :rock:
So, you can order it already, I won't have those CDs until the 25th or so, but hey, at
least I know they are coming :)