which cd should i buy?


some loser
Jul 1, 2004
Gloucester, MA
i havent listened to amon amarth at all in the past. however, recently ive started to listen to some of their songs and they sound pretty awesome. so im thinking of buying one of their cds. im just wondering which ones are your favorites.
I'd say you should buy vs. the world.. where silent gods stand guard, bloodshed, Across the rainbowbridge... this album is full of godlike songs :)
no just get VS the World, it's the album which made AA "famous", and its more accessible at first than the others if your a beginner :p
actually the last album Fate Of Nrons is even more accessible and its great but not as good as VS the World;...
i think you should buy one of the three : Once sent from the golden hall (first album that rules and sets the AA atmosphere so well), VS the World (what finally made AA successful) or Fate Of Norns (the new stuff that kicks ass)
Belgar said:
I thought it was "don't cry for me Cuba", there are secret talks that people want to revamp Cuba's national anthem from "row row row your boat" to something else ... a scandal in the works. I will stand firmly against it.

lol... well in the case of Pagan I thought it was 'Dont cry for me Australia'...
Jesus, can't you people give the guy a straight answer? Oh, I forgot, we don't like Jesus in the forum, hee hee.

Well anyway, man there is no competition here. For a beginner, no pun intended, there is only one choice. You must buy Versus the World, then you'll buy Fate of Norns. After that it's up to you but I heartly suggest the Avenger, this is my favourite album. Why you should not buy this first? Because it has a most peculiar sound, a little too far away from Versus the World which is regarded in general as their best release so far. Death in Fire, which is the opening track, is everyone's personal favourite when you get down to it so...just buy it and you'll understand. If you're really into this Viking thing, Amon Amarth is the only band you'll ever need.


Meeeere øl, øl, øl!
I'd say go with VS The World special edition. It gives you a full bonus CD with a lot of their very older material. So it gives you a pretty decent idea of what they sound like these days (Though Fate Of The Norns has a few evolutions it stays very close to the style of VS the World) but it also gives you some killer tracks from their earlier days like Burning Creation) I would go with Fate Of The Norns after that.. simply because I think it is their finest work to date (Though the production is a bit too crisp for my liking of their style)